
Spelling Bee Or STD

This year’s Scripps National Spelling Bee ended in a lightning round spell off. The words were tough, but not as tough as a positive STD test at a clinic.  Would you know the difference? Here’s a quiz to find out: 

  1. Charadriiform
  2. Ditalini
  3. Chlamedia
  4. Moorhen
  5. Chancroid
  6. Gonorrhea
  7. Sereh
  8. Trichamoniasis
  9. Pyrrolidone
  10. Senijextee
  11. Papillomavirus
  12. Syphilis
  13. Otukian
  14. Scyllarian


Spelling Bee Word: 1,2,4,7,9,10,13,14

STD: 3,5,6,8,11,12