50 Least Infectious Diseases
1. Subhuman papillomavirus
2. Weeping cough
3. Mackerel degeneration
4. Restless peg-leg syndrome
5. Belgian measles
6. Grout
7. Polio by Ralph Lauren
8. Lovely lady mumps
9. African napping sickness
10. Hogwarts
11. Bookworm
12. Cold, cold heart
13. Tick-borne syphillis
14. NLS (Also known as Wally Pipp’s Disease)
15. Johnny fever
16. Fantavirus
17. Live streaming
18. Butterface
19. Frankenberi-beri
21. Hepatitis D (See me after class.)
22. Let-the-Eagles sores
23. Pantone™ Process Black Plague
24. Hot or notulism
25. Dennis elbow
26. Fickle cell anemia
27. The Chronic
28. Archibald MacLeishmaniasis
29. Internal liver spots
30. Megadeth
31. Soul Coughing
32. Lymph Bizkit
33. Hells Bells palsy
34. Uncommon cold
35. Timsalmonella
36. California emissions
37. TB-S
38. Male random baldness
39. Areola borealis
40. Kidney gemstones
41. Herpes complex
42. Stink-eye
43. Meth-mouth
44. Van Gogh’s Ear
45. Greyskull
46. Post-Traumatic Dress Syndrome with Tim Gunn (Coming soon to Bravo)
47. Chives
48. Braintree
49. Face plants
50. Arthritis
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Co-founder/publisher of Eel Fancy, a magazine for eels and eel enthusiasts. Lives in Brooklyn with his wife and their 3 eels: Gaucho, Aja, and Eely Dan.