CARTOON: Spirited Connections
Phantom Flirts. Today’s cartoon by Chris Gural & Zack Rhodes.
Chris is an elevator mechanic in New York and spends his free time writing and drawing cartoons.
Phantom Flirts. Today’s cartoon by Chris Gural & Zack Rhodes.
Making Waves with Rewards. Today’s cartoon by Chris Gural.
An act that attracts. Today’s cartoon by Chris Gural.
I see a ticket in your future. Today’s cartoon by Chris Gural.
The gig economy is ALIVE! Today’s cartoon by Chris Gural.
From pizza to paperwork. Today’s cartoon by Chris Gural.
Hatched a plan. Today’s cartoon by Chris Gural.
Freeze your assets. Today’s cartoon by Chris Gural.
Tell me I’m OK. Today’s cartoon by CHris Gural.
A ghost of a chance. Today’s cartoon by Chris Gural.