Best of 2020
Little Women on Twitter
((Beth March @SewAwesomeBeth)) The ugly truth is: no one cares unless you’re pretty or dying…
((Meg March @RFLoverMeg: Sooo)) does that mean you’re on board for a makeover?
Kathryn Caves is a comedy writer based in New York City. Her work has appeared on the humor websites Weekly Humorist and Little Old Lady Comedy. Kathryn has studied satire with The Second City, sketch with the UCB Theatre in NYC, and improv with Theatre Cedar Rapids. Kathryn has a Doctor of Pharmacy, but please don't ask her to identify any pills.
((Beth March @SewAwesomeBeth)) The ugly truth is: no one cares unless you’re pretty or dying…
((Meg March @RFLoverMeg: Sooo)) does that mean you’re on board for a makeover?