Entries by Rich Taylor


Script for Upcoming Democracy’s “Going out of Business” Sale

Visual: A shapely, attractive actress dressed as Lady Justice has been listening from her perch outside the court. There is a loud clatter as she drops her scales and removes her blindfold
Lady Justice: Heck, even I can see what an incredible sale this will be!
All: (incredulously) Lady Justice! (hearty laughter)

Best of 2023

The Forgotten Tragedy of the Night President Lincoln Died by the Ghost of Actor Harry Hawk

Alone on the stage midway through Act III, I deliver the line of lines. You know it well. Say it with me: “Well, I guess I know enough to turn you inside out, old gal; you sockdologizing old man-trap!” I know, I can scarcely pen the words such does my body quake with laughter. They just don’t write them like that anymore, do they? I knew that moment would punch my ticket to New York and superstardom. So, naturally, I nail the line, slaying my rapturous audience (perhaps not the finest turn of phrase given the circumstances, but paper and ink are not cheap so onward) when the shot rings out from the president’s box. As you can imagine, the distraction pretty much stopped the show flow like an Edison phonograph scratch.