Cartoon Submission

Cartoonist agreement

  • Thank you for your interest in contributing cartoons to the Weekly Humorist! When submitting materials to Weekly Humorist, please follow these guidelines:

    Review, sign and submit the Weekly Humorist submission agreement

    All images must be property of or permissioned to (in writing) the submitter

    Image requirements: 300dpi jpeg or PDF files

    I would like to make my cartoons available for sale on products in the Weekly Humorist Comedy Shop at a 20% share of profits from branded products. Use is non-exclusive.
  • I hereby certify that I have read the above article and art submission information. I certify that I am either the original generator of the text, photos and/or artwork provided to Weekly Humorist for publication, or have the authority to give Weekly Humorist first run publication rights associated with the text, photos and/or artwork submitted. Work may be chosen for publication in collections. Please email article and art submissions to