
Boeing’s Quality Control Team Meets to Discuss Safety and Bird Attacks

BOB: Take a seat, team. Liz is right. We have to go into damage-control mode and get to the bottom of this crash. But we need to ask the right questions. LIZ: How could this happen? BOB: Wrong question. CARTER: Who’s responsible? BOB: Even more wrong. WILLIAM: Who can we blame? BOB: Bingo.

Quiz: Are You Experiencing Violent, Bone-Shaking Airplane Turbulence, Or Is Your Toddler Just Having Another Turbulent Tuesday?

The floor is covered in tiny bags of snacks. Someone is forcefully ejected from their seat. Your partner is somehow sleeping. And more!

CARTOON: Trump History

The Pilgrims struggle with bluetooth, next time on Trump History. Today's cartoon by Ellis Rosen.

Out Of My Way, We’re Boarding the Same Flight

I have a small personal item such as a laptop computer, iPad or E-reader. Actually, I have a laptop, iPad, and E-reader. I also have an iPod. Remember those? I have no idea why I have it, but I will drop it at least once during the flight, after drinks are served, and will create a ruckus to retrieve it.