
CARTOON: Wine Wisdom
Pour Decisions. Today's cartoon by Lindsey Budde.

CARTOON: Whining
We will remember you fondly. Today's cartoon by Lars Kenseth

If You Are Reading This You Have Found My Husband Drunk After Two Cocktails And Are Reading This Stapled To His Coat Sleeve Like A Mitten
This note is not here for his safety; it’s for my sanity. Sure I could come get him, but sometimes it’s nice to have some solo Diane time. Tell him that he should stay out for as long as he wants.

CARTOON: My Current Projections
Liquidity is looking wet. Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

Reasons It's Still Okay To Drink Lots And Lots Of Booze
Some smarty-pants scientific types recently unveiled to the world the fact that alcohol, in any amount, isn't good for you. What a slap in the face! But don't despair. We got really drunk and came up with a few of these...