
Euphemisms for ‘Influencer’ That Reality Shows Use to Make It Seem Like Contestants All Have Different Jobs

Content Creator, Freelance Content Strategy Specialist, CEO of Micro-Ad Sales, and more!

As a Content Creator, The Most Rewarding Part of My Job is Calling Myself a Content Creator

See those contents on that computer screen? I put some of that in there. I'm a maker of #mediastuff. You could call me a #mediacontributor, basically. Sometimes I just fill boxes with words for the sake of it. Gotta meet that word count.

Titles, Explained

Detective: Just about the only one who’s isn’t afraid to find out what’s really going on here. Lieutenant: A company man who started out as a good cop (sure, maybe too much of an idealist back then, but who wasn’t? Those were different times.) yet now understands that you have to play their game to make captain—and if that means turning a blind eye to some of the stuff that goes on around here, so be it. And more!