
Brooklyn Wine Wine, S*M*A*S*H*E*D, According to Gin, and more #DrunkSitcoms on this week's trending joke game!

Welcome to Mom’s Night at the Swanky Swill
It’s our annual Mom’s Night Out here at the Swanky Swill, and have we got a treat for all you fecund females. Surprise! Our mixologist, Klock, has been eavesdropping on your Mommy and Me therapy sessions —I mean classes— for weeks in order to get some real life inspiration for tonight’s libations menu. (Did you really believe that the mustachioed guy at the back of the community center in the jumpsuit and vintage ascot was the janitor? Ha!

White Wine Castle, Gin & Sonic, Jersey Mike's Hard Lemonade, and more #DrunkFastFood on this week's trending joke game!

CARTOON: Brain Drain
Morning meeting. Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

If You Are Reading This You Have Found My Husband Drunk After Two Cocktails And Are Reading This Stapled To His Coat Sleeve Like A Mitten
This note is not here for his safety; it’s for my sanity. Sure I could come get him, but sometimes it’s nice to have some solo Diane time. Tell him that he should stay out for as long as he wants.

CARTOON: Mistakes
He makes a good point. Today's cartoon by Brian Hawes and Seth Roberts.

Gin Blossoms, Black Out Susans, Drunk Off My Aster and more #DrunkFlowers

Our heads are still ringing in the new year, or just ringing...where's the Tylenol!? Lots of unregretful fun this week on our Weekly Humorist Hashtag game!

Drunk Cartoon: Driverless Car Chase
Some people are in it just for the chase - but that's not an issue here.

The assignment was given our subjects:
Ingest one of several…