
I’m Being Haunted By a Farting Ghost
I live my life in fear. I never know when the ghost is going to let one rip, but I can be sure of two things: it will make it seem as if I am the one farting and it will time its gas to be released at the most embarrassing of moments.

Stink Carnation, Bunflower, Tootlips, and more #FlatulentFlowers on this week's trending joke game!

Crappn, Farters Only, EwwwHarmony, and more #FartyDatingApps on this week's trending joke game!

Only ‘90s Kids Will Remember All These Great Catchphrases from the Best Jim Carrey Movies
“Talk about a series of unfortunate events…in my pants!” A Series of Unfortunate Events, "Does this cable smell like farts to you?" The Cable Guy, “I didn’t fart, JK LOL I did!” Liar Liar, and more!

Fantastic Beefs, Harry Farter, Suicide Squat, and more #FartyFantasy on this week's trending joke game!

The Pied Diaper, Little Bowel Peep, The Magic Toot, and more #FartyFairyTales on this week's trending joke game!

Final Fartasy, Raiders of the Lost Fart, The Eversmelling Story, and more #FartyFantasyFilms, on this week's trending joke game!