
CARTOON: Cave Class
Burning for learning. Today's cartoon by Michael Litwak.

CARTOON: Hellish Terms
Devil's in the details. Today's cartoon by Jim Shoenbill

CARTOON: Chair Care
Hot ride. Today's cartoon by Sarah Morrissette.

And unlimited dead sticks. Today's cartoon by Vaughan Tomlinson.

Instructions For You If My Pants Are On Fire
So, my pants are on fire and I’ve handed you this card. You’re probably thinking, “Uhh, say whaaa??” Well, pull yourself together, Gilligan. Every second is critical right now.

CARTOON: Burning Question
Could get much better!? HAHAHAHA. Not! Today's cartoon by Ali Solomon.

CARTOON: Evolution of Man & Fire
Sparks of wonder through the ages. Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

CARTOON: Back To School
Melting young minds. Today's cartoon by Joe Wos.

CARTOON: Feeling Week
Just got to make it through another week. Today's cartoon by Grayson Gibbs.

The Lulling Sounds of Autumn
The pouring of hot cocoa or maybe cider. Are the crickets getting closer?

Hyper Local and Hyper Petty: Your Town’s Facebook Group
Barbara Klein: Today outside the Starbucks I saw our state’s bird, a goldfinch! What a nice surprise on a Tuesday morning!
Marc Crabtree: Goldfinches are a trash bird.