
High Mimes Magazine
Stuck in an invisible box? Light up & Chill, High on Silence: Do those clowns ever shut up? Mime
Craft: Stoner Mimes Talk Favorite Video Games. And more in High Mimes Magazine!

Spooky High is Closing
For more than 200 years, Spooky High has been the preeminent educational facility in this area for young monsters, supernatural entities, and horrifying creatures, all seeking to learn in a safe environment free from the persecutions and distractions of the mainstream world. Our alumni are world-renowned, including the Frankenstein creation, six generations of Blobs, all seven Mummy siblings, and a real zombie who was in the “Thriller” video.

CARTOON: Holiday Tripping
Take a holiday trip! Today's cartoon by Scott Nickel!

The assignment was given our subjects:
Ingest one of several…