
More Acronyms Inspired by the Terms MILF and DILF
SCILSOF: Second Cousin I’d Like to See on OnlyFans
LDFFWILGPMETS: Long-Distance Friend of the Family to Whom I’d Like to Give a Platonic Massage that Eventually Turns Sexual
And more!

Extremely hairy, and if we're being honest, a bit smelly. Tends to spend a lot of time getting into adventures with teen boys in the neighborhood. Rife with a host of odd fungi and parasitic insects that are seemingly not of this world. And more!

PornHub’s 2nd Most Popular Searches By State
Texas: Choking the chicken. An actual chicken. South Carolina: CHiPs in chaps Delaware: Rubes with pubes. And more!

MILF's 2.0: Men I’d Like to F*ck! (Better Read on in Case It’s You, Guy-at-the-Office)
Guys, lets face the cold hard truth: nobody gives a shit about…