
CARTOON: Homecoming Duel
Foiled Again. Today's cartoon by Bob Eckstein.

CARTOON: Wobbly Heights
Twisted Trials. Today's cartoon by Phil Witte.

Suggested Olympic Tweaks
Shotput-This event seems like beta testing for all the cooler things that could be thrown: a spear (AKA the javelin), a giant yoyo (AKA the hammer throw), and a Frisbee (AKA the discus). In this event, it looks like the thrower is deriving his throwing power from getting a hickey from a bowling ball. Yuck!
Solutions: If we absolutely need a 4th throwing event, you can’t go wrong with axes considering people actually pay money axe throwing. Easy sponsorship money.

100 mitre Dash, Good-minton, Water-into-Wine Polo, and more!

John Waters Polo, Volley Hunter, Gene Swimmons, and more #CelebASummerSport on this week's trending joke game!

Moderna Pentathlon and 10 Other Sports Scheduled For 2021 Tokyo Olympics
Wash Your Handball, Long Social Distance Running, Barfary, and more!

As An Olympic Curler I Resent Being Asked To Sweep Out The Garage
Honey, I feel like we’ve been over this a thousand times.

Winter Brooklympic Events
Garbage pile skeleton
Slush puddle Salchow

Non-Televised Rio Olympics Events
100m Police Chase
Rusty Wire Fence Hurdles