
Your Favorite Orders on Timeless, the Time-Travel Food-Delivery Service
Recession Special from the Greenwich Village Gray’s Papaya, 2002: Our courier will bring you two hot dogs and a “banana daiquiri” drink whose taste is scarcely even related to banana. It won't be spoiled; he picked it up from 2002 five minutes ago, then jumped into his time-traveling Chevrolet Impala.

Fired and 14 Other Potential Magazine Covers for Trump
Creeple, Trolling Stoned, Poor Sports Illustrated, and more!

CARTOON: Reminiscing
Way back when. Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

OK Doomer. We are just getting started. Happy New Year! Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

LIST: Weekly Humorist’s Top 10 List Of The Top 10 ‘Top 10 Lists’ Of The 2010’s
Over the past 10 years, we all read thousands of phenomenal Top 10 listicles. Here now is the definitive list of Weekly Humorist’s top 10 picks for the Top 10 ‘Top 10 lists’ of the 2010’s. Please enjoy!

Questions, Comments, and Concerns for Common Figures of Speech
Dog eat dog world: Sure, I know about dog fights. But dog cannibals? That’s a bit of a stretch for me. But you know what animals famously eat each other? Hamsters. So my edits for this “classic” saying is, let’s gain some accuracy and start saying we live in a “hamster eat hamster world.” It’s time to expose those bastards.

CARTOON: Rock Clock
Wish you could roll back time? Today's cartoon by Evan Lian.

CARTOON: Trump Cover
Donald was pissed that he wasn't the Person of the Year for TIME Magazine. But another publication made him Person of the Century! Today's cartoon by Ivan Ehlers.

Time’s List Of 100 Most Influential Times
That Time When You Were Like I’ll Never Drink Again