
The Book of Boba Wett, Wet World, The Good, The Bath and The Ugly, and more #WetWesterns on this week's trending jokes game!

When Harry Wet Sally, Rainspotting, Monty Python and the Holy Pail. and more #MoistenAMovie on this week's trending joke game!

We’re Updating Our Privacy Policy to Allow Us to Watch You in the Shower
Whew, this is a long email. I bet it’s worn you out! Time for a relaxing shower to get the kinks out of those knotted-up back muscles. Which reminds us—you might want to get that mole on your shoulder blade checked out, the edges are a little irregular. And hey, you don’t need to shave everything.

A Word Of Warning, Everyone Who Swims In The Pool Of This Hampton Inn Drowns
Yes indeed, everyone single person who swims in The Pool drowns. There have been hundreds of deaths. We had to install an incinerator in the basement to keep up with all the bodies. The wifi code is HamptonSmiles45.