Entries by Craig Thomas


The Mayor Doesn’t Have a Magic Wand…

PRESS SECRETARY: “Let me be clear. The Mayor did not ‘lose’ the wand. It is blatantly obvious that City Councilman Teddy Bilson—who plans to run against the Mayor next year—stole it.”


Wing Man

After more than a century of trying, I was finally an Angel/First Class…ironically. Yes, my Wings were gained via sarcasm. So technically, I have two glowing, glorious Wings growing out of my back now. But they might as well be two glowing, glorious Asterisks.

Best of 2022

An Open Letter On Climate Change From Me, A Mobster…

So, guys in my rarefied profession don’t usually weigh in on the “news of the day.” But when an issue starts to affect my business? Something’s gotta get said. (And in case any made men just started makin’ in their pants? Exhale. I ain’t a rat. No names.) OK, here goes: We gotta do something to fight this Climate Change thing.