About Greg Hahn
Greg Hahn is the Chief Creative Officer of BBDO New York. His work has won numerous international awards and has interrupted some of your favorite programs and media. You can follow him on twitter at @maxcatt
Entries by Greg Hahn
Basic Cable, I have some questions.
by Greg HahnMay 25, 2018
After 19 months of winter, under self-imposed house arrest, it’s fair to say I’m on pretty good terms with the channels on our flat screen. I’ve developed an unnaturally close relationship with the fly-over channels. You know those in-between channels with a host of programs that make you think, “How is this even a show?” […]
Sea Monkeys, A Starter Kit for Disappointment
by Greg HahnMarch 28, 2018
Long before Facebook and Instagram gave the masses the tools for deceptively projecting the perfect life, the masterminds at the Transience Corporation had the market cornered on unrealistic expectations. It was almost too much for my 8-year old brain to take. Pictured was, the perfect nuclear family of mutant sea creatures living their perfect life […]