Driving Directions to My Place Way Out in the Sticks
This is grasshopper country, so roll your windows up tight. They’ll drop their eggs right into the passenger compartment of a speeding car and onto your lap. I’ve seen it too many times.
Phil Witte is an author and cartoonist. His latest book is Funny Stuff: How Great Cartoonists Make Great Cartoons. His cartoons have appeared in dozens of publications in the U.S. and U.K., including The Wall Street Journal, Barron’s, Reader’s Digest, San Francisco Chronicle, and Private Eye, as well as in books, calendars, and greeting cards. His humor book, What You Don’t Know About Turning 50 and the sequel on turning 60 have sold over 175,000 copies to date. His articles have appeared in The Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, San Francisco Examiner, and other publications.
This is grasshopper country, so roll your windows up tight. They’ll drop their eggs right into the passenger compartment of a speeding car and onto your lap. I’ve seen it too many times.
Twisted Trials. Today’s cartoon by Phil Witte.
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He murdered… my heart. Today’s cartoon by Phil Witte.
jah-cho-cho-cho = Look what I found in the cat litter box. yai-yai pokka da = Where’s your good sweater? Hurry, I have to puke. catzakup poodo = Soon enough I won’t need you, except to drive me places. And more!
Let’s get deep. Today’s cartoon by Phil Witte.
Phallic Fallacy. Today’s cartoon by Philip Witte.