Entries by Philip Witte


Driving Directions to My Place Way Out in the Sticks

This is grasshopper country, so roll your windows up tight. They’ll drop their eggs right into the passenger compartment of a speeding car and onto your lap. I’ve seen it too many times.

Best of 2024

By Doing Whatever We Ask, You Agree to Our Terms

By not agreeing to our terms, you agree to our terms. By clicking this box without reading our terms, you admit to being a first-class liar. And more!


CARTOON: Stupid Cupid

He murdered… my heart. Today’s cartoon by Phil Witte.

Best of 2023

Baby Babble Translations for New Moms

jah-cho-cho-cho = Look what I found in the cat litter box. yai-yai pokka da = Where’s your good sweater? Hurry, I have to puke. catzakup poodo = Soon enough I won’t need you, except to drive me places. And more!


CARTOON: Phallic Fallacy

Phallic Fallacy. Today’s cartoon by Philip Witte.