Best of 2024

Completely Reasonable Stipulations For the Cheapest Flight You’ve Ever Booked

Welcome to Spirited Fronts airlines where nobody has cheaper flights!

We’re talking $20 round trip to anywhere in the US! That’s right, just $20!*

*additional services cost additional fees

Additional services include:

Checked bag is an extra $150

Carry on bag is an extra $120

Personal item is an extra $99

(Personal item must be less than 2 inches by 4 inches – this includes cellular phones)

If you would like to sit down, that’s an additional $150

If you’d like a seat belt (required) that’s an extra $79.99 

Asking questions or making comments to a gate agent or flight attendant will be an additional $50/per question or comment. 

Any trips to the restroom will be an additional $20 ($35 if pooping or vomiting)

Crying babies are an additional $1 per minute of crying 

If you want the pilot to arrive on time ready to go that’s an additional $32 (gotta find and collaborate with the rest of the passengers on this one – you all need to pay the fee to make it a reality)

If you actually want to literally fly in the air to your destination (not just pretend) it’s going to be an additional fee of $123

DISCLAIMER: Spirited Fronts airlines does not claim any legal responsibility for burial costs when the plane crashes, but we can give you a list of funeral homes we partner with free of charge