
A Resume and Cover Letter for a Seat Filler at the Oscars
When I came upon the role of Seat Filler at your company, I was immediately intrigued. Ever since I was a child, I knew that Seat Filling was what I wanted to do with my life. Growing up, every chance I got to sit, I did. Before I could even walk, I was sitting.

Here Are The Oscar Favorites. No, Not Those — Our Favorite People Named Oscar
PROJECTED WINNER… Oscar Mayer! This by virtue of being the only nominee to own a wiener-shaped car. (Before you fire off your angry rebuttals, Oscar Wilde merely leased one for six months in 1894).

Instructions for My Inclusion in the Oscars In Memoriam Section
As indicated in my will, I am open to sponsorship from brands if there's a natural tie in.

CARTOON: Joker Nomination
Some are conflicted about all this Joker praise. Today's cartoon by Evan Lian.

An Absurd And Morally Irresponsible Look Into 2020's Possible Best Picture Nominees
I Transformed My Body Into A Pot Beef Stew For This Role: Christian Bale is a lock for another best actor nod as he's undergone his most ambitious body transformation to date by morphing himself into a delicious, simmering pot of beef stew. With dynamite performances by Paul Giamatti as the man who makes the stew and Amy Adams as the woman who eats it, this erotic thriller is fun for the whole family and may score Netflix it's first best picture win.

The Aliens from Arrival Review the Oscar Nominees for Visual Effects
We learned many new words when we arrived on your Earth. Cars.…