Completely Reasonable Stipulations For the Cheapest Flight You’ve Ever Booked
Any trips to the restroom will be an additional $20 ($35 if pooping or vomiting) Crying babies are an additional $1 per minute of crying, and more!
CARTOON: Airborne Anticipation
Ding. You have no friends. Today's cartoon by Michael Litwak.
CARTOON: Winged Woes
Airborne Troubles. Today's cartoon by Thomas Wykes.
Flight 74 Is Now Boarding Passengers Who Are Better Than You
Next we’d like to invite military personnel to board. We’ll start with our active duty service members. No one? Okay, we’ll move on to veterans of the four main branches. Only two people? In that case, we’ll open it up to the Coast Guard, January 6 insurrectionists, and veterans of the War on Drugs, War on Women, and War on Christmas. Thank you for your service!
CARTOON: BC: Before Covid
Reach across the aisle? Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.
CARTOON: Flying Vultures
Don't even get us started on the boarding groups. Today's cartoon by Michael Maiello & Marty Dundics.