
CARTOON: Sasquatch Smitten
Big Feet, Bigger... Heart. Today's cartoon by Nathan Cooper.

Other Things We Should be Controlling Instead of the Weather
Ghosts: I think we’re all tired hearing about ghosts and spooks and poltergeists running around haunting people and places. There’s something the Deep State needs to take care of.

Mythological Creatures Bi-Annual Pop Culture Round-Table
Dave the Unicorn: Okay, are we ready to go ahead with the minutes? Is everyone here yet? Bigfoot: Well hang on for a second. Speaking of minutes, could we take a few to talk about this sparkling glitter that seems to float around you at all times? What the hell is that? When we finish our meetings, the floor looks like 2 AM when they turn the lights on at a strip club.

CARTOON: Small Foot
Shrinkage. Today's cartoon by Steve Daugherty.

CARTOON: Shoe Sightings
Never before! Today's cartoon by Paul Lander & Dan McConnell.

What if your Google Ad Bot Became Sentient?
OK, so now you’re looking up flights to France? Why? You know you aren’t actually going to go there, you were just looking up “ways to trick my mother in law into thinking I have more money” so, what game are we playing here?