
Jennifer Love Dew-it, Jean Claude Van Damp, Judith Drenched, and more #SteamyCelebs on this week's trending joke game!

Dafodylan McDermott, Keanu Leaves, Lilly Eillish, and more #CelebAFlower on this week's trending joke game!

Totally True Oscar Facts
Tom Hanks, Sean Penn, and Jack Nicholson are secretly all the same man. Disney's Dumbo is the first NC-17 film to ever be nominated. No one has ever seen The English Patient. And more!

John Waters Polo, Volley Hunter, Gene Swimmons, and more #CelebASummerSport on this week's trending joke game!

Catherine Zeta Scones, Jon Hammburger, Dijon Warwick, and more #CelebAFood on this week's trending joke gme!

Betty White Knuckles, Harried Styles, ProZac Efron, and more #StressedCelebs on this week's trending joke game!

Old Spice Girls, Fart Simpson, N*STINK, and more #SmellyCelebs on this week's trending joke game!

Raggedy Anne Hathaway, GI Joan Collins, Pog the Bounty Hunter, and more #CelebAToy on this week's trending joke game!

Life After Simon & Garfunkel: Super Bowl Party
Oh, hello there. I’m actor and singing legend Art Garfunkel, and I’m wondering whether you and Gary are free to watch the Super Bowl with me on Sunday. Just a few friends gathering together, reveling in the thrill and glory of spor—no, not a big party. Just a few friends. Ah, no, Paul won’t be there.

So, our typically fun little weekly hashtag game turned into…