
Classic Children's Books Updated for Our Time
Cloudy with a Chance of Lab-Grown Meatballs, Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day of Meetings That Could Have Been Emails, And more!

Children’s Book Ideas For Bored, Out-Of-Touch Celebrities
Little House on the Canaries, Martha Speaks to the Manager, The Very Hungry IRS, and more!

The Witch Demands a Retraction: Fairy Tale Reboots For Adults - [Book Excerpt]
Pinocchio Runs for Office, The Peeved Piper, Not So Snow White and so many more in this twisted collection of adult fairy tales! This hilarious collection of poems by Melissa Balmain puts a grown-up, contemporary spin on the stories and characters we all learned as children, from Little Red Riding Hood, to the Three Bears, the Pied Piper, and Cinderella; each delightfully depicted in full-color by Ron Barrett, (Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs) one of the best and award winning illustrators in the business. Now #1 in new releases on Amazon! Get your copy today!

A Gaslight in the Attic
There’s a gaslight in the attic / Though the White House said one thing / They now deny and say another / And I think I’m going insane!

Kid-Lit of the Revolution
" turns out, Kim Jong Il —along with dad Kim Il Sung —…