
Reality Show Spinoffs The World’s Not Ready For
Hundred Thousand Dollar Pyramid Scheme: Competitors enter into a multi-level marketing scheme from which they’ll never financially recover. It’s the show that mimics real life! Each time some poor sap buys into the scheme, the show lasts another painful week. Tune in before the pyramid crumbles down on some wantrepreneur’s dreams.

The Bigliest Sore Loser and 14 Other Future Reality Shows for The Post Presidency Trumps to Appear On
Criminal Double Jeopardy, Lame Duck Dynasty, The Bigliest Sore Loser, and more!

Unhelpful Clues Given to Me by Mindy Cohn During an October 1987 Taping of The $25,000 Pyramid Where the Category to Be Guessed Was “Things You Do on a Boat”
Scott Baio, Heave, Make certain Gary Coleman is sedated, and more!

Hot New Summer TV Shows!
Pillow Talk - Talk show hosted by My Pillow weirdo Michael Lindell. Not sure if this series will go beyond this first episode, which seems to actually be an intervention in disguise, as a group of Mike's friends and family members corner him in an effort to wrestle away the pillow that he's forever creepily cradling. (A&E, Wed 9pm)