
If Men Talked About Their More Successful Wives the Way Women Talk About Their Incredibly Average Husbands
We matched on Hinge. He didn’t message me for two weeks, so obviously I was super intrigued. We started talking, and I found out he’s an accountant who failed high school algebra three times.

QUIZ: Are You Talking To Your 4-Year-Old Son or Your Husband?
No snacks before dinner. Use your words. Stop playing with yourself. And more!

If You Are Reading This You Have Found My Husband Drunk After Two Cocktails And Are Reading This Stapled To His Coat Sleeve Like A Mitten
This note is not here for his safety; it’s for my sanity. Sure I could come get him, but sometimes it’s nice to have some solo Diane time. Tell him that he should stay out for as long as he wants.

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