
For Dummies By Dummies
That is why we’ve developed a new series, For Dummies By Dummies ®. In each For Dummies By Dummies ® book, we have real, unqualified lay people posing as experts writing to other real, unqualified lay people in a way that is both relatable and completely unreliable. Join us in celebrating some of our newest titles!

Welcome Back Students! Here’s Your Fall (of Humanity) Schedule!
Students will begin each day by sitting in a Safe Space Scream Circle. Punching bags are available for students who require a physical outlet of their brewing rage upon facing the harsh realization that existence past year 2050 is unlikely.

First lesson free. Today's cartoon by John Reynolds.

Quiz: Brazilian Soccer Player or Yoga Pants
1. Neymar
2. Lululemon
3. Kaka
4. Garincho
5. Fabletics