
The Cartoon Pad w/ guest Ron Barrett
This week's guest, Ron Barrett is at the top of the children’s book mountain and one of the most accomplished cartoonists in the business. He has done 26 books for children and adults and appears regularly in the New York Times. His 'Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs' has been selected one of the NY Times Ten Best Illustrated Books and sold over six million copies and was made into two motion pictures. His wonderful illustrations can be seen in the new book, 'The Witch Demands a Retraction: Fairy Tale Reboots For Adults' by Melissa Balmain, available now.

The Cartoon Pad w/ guest Sam Gross
The Cartoon Pad welcomes cartoon great Sam Gross. Do not listen and operate heavy machinery during this one. Must-hear life lessons from the Great One.

Teen Comedies For The Upcoming Post-Apocalyptic World
National Lampoon's Animal Cave: What sort of hijinx ensue when humans are forced to live in caves with wild animals? The animals eat the humans, we assume.