
O Captain Crunch, My Captain Crunch And 9 Other Corporate Naming Rights Suggestions for Great Works Of Poetry
The Love Song of J. Crew Alfred Prufrock - TS Eliot, The Charge of the Bud Light Brigade – Alfred Lord Tennyson, Caged Bird’s Eye Frozen Dinners – Maya Angelou

I’m the Guy who Makes the Fake Crowd Noise at Baseball Games, and Yes, I Have Been Secretly Inserting Rupi Kaur Poems
“Dad,” you say. “It’s poetry!” “NO,” he yells. “It’s BASEBALL. We should have never sent you to [liberal arts college]!!” Of course, you were both right. Which is why I’m coming clean...

QUIZ: Is it T.S. Eliot or Missy Elliott?
I got a cute face, chubby waist. Thick legs, in shape. / For a similar reason, when game is in season, he is found, not at Fox’s, but Blimpy’s. And more.