
Diary of a Jealous Landlord
Dear Diary, the cute guy (Mark) that has been texting me about unit 1F seems really interested. He might even stop by tonight! I know it seems quick, but I have a good feeling.

StreetEasy Listings From Your Broker, Edgar Allan Poe
With heat and water to mortals given - / But their electricity, without Verizon/ MUST YOU REALLY NEED THAT DOG OR CAT?/ As ample storage a plenty, uncommon as is/ Trade thy Australian Shephard for stainless steel appliances

CARTOON: Fancy Fountain
Damp, is in. Today's cartoon by Drew Panckeri.

CARTOON: Showdown
The pictures on the app looked bigger, and no closets? Today's cartoon by Vaughan Tomlinson.

CARTOON: Rent Vent
Look out for the eviction fairy. Today's cartoon by Drew Panckeri.

A Quick Word From Your Super Chill Non-Confrontational Roommate
Hey. So me and the donkey have been talking. And we want you to move out, since you don’t pay rent or anything. The donkey is gonna get my room, and I'm gonna sleep on the back porch. The donkey is also gonna get your room, since it needs an office. It works from home so it makes sense.

Right Now Is the Best Time to Buy a Home
Okay, okay, maybe back in 2008 prices did technically go the “opposite of up.” Let me amend the cardinal rule of real estate: Housing prices will always go up, starting right now.