
Ten Zombie Twists That Haven’t Been Done To Death
All the weight you’ve ever lost: Seventeen pounds through Weight Watchers, eight pounds through Noom, thirty pounds from a low-carb diet, three pounds from Covid, and six from a smoothie fast—all the fat you’ve lost over the decades is back. It has congealed into a half-ton quivering mass that oozes toward you, dead set on a reunion.

RottingStone Magazine
Visiting The Rock n’ Roll Hall Of Maim, 'Name That Tomb' with Casey Kasem, Jerry Garcia Seance- Gratefully Dead, Or Not So Much? and more in RottingStone Magazine!

Upcoming Crazy Twists on The Walking Dead
That one guy? You know, the guy who's friends with the main guy? He gets separated from the group during a zombie attack!

Classic Works of Literature Rebranded for Millennials
"A Tale of Two Tweets”
At long last reunited with Lucie, Dr.…