Entries by Kara Panzer


It’s Time to Get Hard

I needed to find one of these wise gurus who is a leader in anti-softness like Bill Maher so I could tell him in person (the best way) about what I learned on this journey (so much). But when I broke into his studio, he just called for security, which kind of surprised me. I thought from his complaining about the woke youth that he wanted to collaborate mano a (wo)mano with hardos like me.


I’m Addicted to Taking MDMA 3-4 Times a Year

Some people take MDMA for spiritual reasons, but I’m not acclaimed New Yorker writer Jia Tolentino. I take MDMA for one of the basest motivations known to humankind: I like having fun.


Confused About “Clowning” and “Soft-Clowning?” You’re Not Alone

Soft-clowning: One of the most beautiful aspects of the clowning community is its open-minded approach to different degrees of expression. Soft-clowning refers to clowns who skip the complete outfit in favor of simpler get-ups: only a sponge nose, say, or partial clown makeup, to prevent mess.  


Diet Tips for Presidential Hopefuls

We’re body positive now, which means that I’m positive you need to make some body changes.