The Mucus Man, Anything Flows, Damp Yankees, and more #WetMusicals on this week’s trending joke game!
Play twitter hashtag comedy games @weeklyhumorist every Wednesday at 11am EST!
The Mucus Man, Anything Flows, Damp Yankees, and more #WetMusicals on this week’s trending joke game!
Flyneken, Stella Artwasp, Caterpilsner, and more #BugABeer on this week’s trending joke game!
A & Wolverine, The Tonic Avenger, Groot Beer, and more #SuperheroSodas on this week’s trending joke game!
Dafodylan McDermott, Keanu Leaves, Lilly Eillish, and more #CelebAFlower on this week’s trending joke game!
Thaw and Order, Chill St Blues, Coldlumbo, and more #CopCopShows on this week’s trending joke game!
Ballspice, MS-G String, Sinnamon, and more #SexySeasonings on this week’s trending joke game!
Leave It To Reefer, Herb Your Enthusiasm, Parks & Recreational Drugs, and more #StonedSitcoms on this week’s trending joke game!
Loo Costello, Pee Pee Herman, Piss Rock, and more #CommodeAComedian on this week’s trending joke game!
Reese’s C-Cups, Mike and Ike and Suzy, The Poly Rancher, and more #RandyCandy on this week’s trending joke game!
White Wine Castle, Gin & Sonic, Jersey Mike’s Hard Lemonade, and more #DrunkFastFood on this week’s trending joke game!
The Magic School-Choice Bus, Captain F The Planet, Blue’s Coups, and more #RightWingKidShows on this week’s trending joke game!
International House of Paincakes, Steak n Sheik, Au Bon Pin, and more #WrestlingRestaurants on this week’s trending joke game!
Barf Rescue, Say Yes To The Mess, Outhouse Hunters, and more #RancidRealityShows on this week’s trending joke game!
Dude Processor, Whine Opener, Wife Sharpener, and more #HorribleHousewares on this week’s trending joke game!
Barklava, Terriermisu, Hound Cake, and more #DogADessert on this week’s trending joke game!
Tragic 8 Ball, Fearby, Speak & Hell, and more #TerrifyingToys on this week’s trending jokes game!
Mario Fart, Foreplay Station, World Of Warmshaft, and more very immature #VulgarVideosGames on this week’s trending joke game!
The Book of Boba Wett, Wet World, The Good, The Bath and The Ugly, and more #WetWesterns on this week’s trending jokes game!
Dreaded Wheat, CrankyBerry, Peanut Bitter Crunch, and more #SurlyCereals on this week’s trending joke game!
Saved by the Gel, Mr. Belvasmear, Brooklyn Slime-Slime, and more #SlimySitcoms on this week’s trending joke game!
The Little Sperm Maid, Seeping Booty, Beauty and the Yeast and more #DisgustingDisneyMovies on this week’s trending joke game!
The King and Fungi, Oklahumid!, Sweaty Jersey Boys, and more #MoldyMusicals on this weeks trending joke game!
Wilson Cricket, Fly Stallone, Gnat King Cole, and more #BugACelebrity on this week’s trending joke game!
Russell Stoner, Weedish Fish, Milk Buds, and more #CannabisACandy on this week’s trending joke game!
Boobberry, Vice Krispies, Lusty Charms, and more #SinfulCereals on this week’s trending joke game!
Ghoul Log, The Hills Have Pies, The Last Gingerbread House On The Left, and more #HorrorAHolidayFood on this week’s trending joke game!
Pot Wheels, Donkey Bong, G.I. Joint, and more #TokeAToy on this week’s trending joke game!
The Salmon Clause, Rudolphin the Red-Nosed Reindeer, It’s a Flounderful Life, and more #FishAChristmasMovie on this week’s trending joke game!
Furrari, Mouserati, Purrche, and more #CatACar on this week’s trending joke game!
David Lee Broth, Slayer Cake, Korn Muffins, and more #HeavyMetalMenuItems on this week’s trending joke game!
Three Men and a Baby Artichoke, When Harry Met Salad, The Princess Chive, and more #VegARomCom on this week’s trending joke game!
Gho-Ho-Ho-ost Rider, Silent Nightcrawler, The Dark Knight before Christmas, and more #HolidayASuperHero on this week’s trending joke game!
W*A*S*H, Boy Meets Swirled, King of the Spill, and more #WetSitcoms on this week’s trending joke game!
Yankenstein, Sleepy Swallow, An American Werewolf in Linda, and more #HornyHorrorMovies on this week’s trending joke game!
A-Tisket, A-Casket, Hansel and Regrettle, Scar light, Scar Bright, and more #NightmarishNurseryRhymes on this week’s trending joke game!
Arizona Cannibals, The Cincinnati Mangles, Boo England Patriots, and more #FrighteningFootball on this week’s trending joke game!
The Pear Witch Project, Dragon fruit me to hell, Strawscaries, and more #HorrorFruit on this week’s trending joke game!
Final Fartasy, Raiders of the Lost Fart, The Eversmelling Story, and more #FartyFantasyFilms, on this week’s trending joke game!
War & Peach, The Lime Machine, The Karma Fruitra, and more #BookAFruit on this week’s trending joke game!
When Harry Wet Sally, Rainspotting, Monty Python and the Holy Pail. and more #MoistenAMovie on this week’s trending joke game!
The Jokra, Hannibal Lettuce, Gourd Voldemort, and more #VeggieAVillain on this week’s trending joke game!
Snot Stickers, Fartichoke Dip, French flies, and more #AppallingAppetizers on this week’s trending joke game!
Laverne and ssssssshirley, Fresh Off The Bite, Serpent Strangers, and more #SnakeASitcom on this week’s trending joke game!
Dickles, Pop-Farts, Vomints, and more #GrossGroceries on today’s trending joke game!
Demonheads, Tootsie Trolls, Mummy Bears, and more #HorrorCandy on this week’s trending joke game! We hit #7 in the US trends list! (That’s really good!)
The Grateful Deadpool, Flash Mouth, Green Day Lantern, and more #SuperheroABand on this week’s trending joke game!
John Waters Polo, Volley Hunter, Gene Swimmons, and more #CelebASummerSport on this week’s trending joke game!
Hex on the Beach, Sin & Tonic, Piña Ghoulada, and more #HellishCocktails on this week’s trending joke game!
The Masked Swinger, Lancing with the Scars, America’s Got Debt, and more #RegretfulRealityShows on this week’s trending joke game!
Cape Deer, Mortal Wombat, Farmageddon, and more #AnimalActionMovies on this week’s trending joke game!
Brooklyn 99 Degrees, Welcome Back Hotter, Saved By The Hell, and more #SizzlingSitcoms on this week’s trending joke game!
Rum Raging. Ben & Angry, Pissed-tachio, and more #IrateIceCream on this week’s trending joke game!
The Flesh, Goosed Rider, Just Ass League, and more #SleazySuperheroes on this week’s trending joke game!
The Pawffice, Dharma and Beg, Brooklyn K99, and more #DogASitcom on this week’s trending joke game!
Boyz II Mantis, Ladybug Gaga, My Morning Yellow Jacket. and more #BugABand on this weeks trending joke game!
Pizza Butt, Jizzler, Booger Fling, and more #RevoltingRestaurants on this week’s trending joke game!
Caddyshark , Roadkill Trip, Animal House of Horrors, and more #TerrifyingTeenComedies on this week’s trending joke game!
Fun with Dick and Jane Eyre, 50 First Grapes of Wrath, Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Groundhog Day, and more #BookARomCom on this week’s trending joke game!
Redd Foxgloves, Jimmy Hosta, Lou Weed, and more #FamousFlowers on this week’s trending joke game!
Rumpledforeskin, The Pied Peeper, Puss ‘n Boobs, and more #FriskyFairyTales on this week’s trending joke game!
Root Beer Gloat, Dumb Raisin, Cookie Duh, and more #InsultingIceCream on today’s trending joke game!
Dudley Do AltRight, Paw Patrol Lives Matter, Inspect Her Gadget. and more #ConservativeKidsCartoons on this week’s trending joke game!
Sinder, Harmers Only, Scratch, and more ##DemonicDatingApps on this week’s trending joke game!
English Puffins, Baked Eggs, Pot Tarts, and more #WeedABreakfast on this week’s trending joke game!
Sonic the Attention Hog, Mine All MineCraft, Self-CenterPede, and more #VainVideoGames on this week’s trending joke game!
Limerick and Morty, Danny Boy Meets World, Saved by the Belfast, and more! It’s #IrishATvShow on this week’s trending joke game!
SlinkedIn, Crapchat, Dreaddit, and more #SinisterSocialMediaApps on this week’s trending joke game!
The Great Gagsby, Brave New Hurl, Stephen King’s VomIT, and more #BarfyBooks on this week’s trending joke game!
I’ve only got pies for you, I lost my pizza can I have yours? Wanna see my dough face? And more #PizzaPickUpLines on this week’s #10 trending joke game!
Nippies, 3 Frosketeers, Mike & Ice, and more #ColdCandy on this week’s trending joke game!
Humplings, Legs Benedict, Flirt Steak, and more #LustyLunches on this week’s trending joke game!
While You Were Seeping, Rotting Hill, How to Lose a Sty in 10 Days, and more #RevoltingRomComs on this week’s trending joke game!
Stock Traitors, Hateress, Loon Officer, and more #JeerAJob on this week’s trending joke game!
Oops…I Impeached Him Again, Putin on the Ritz, Filibust A Move, and more #PoliticalPopSongs on this week’s trending joke game!
Catherine Zeta Scones, Jon Hammburger, Dijon Warwick, and more #CelebAFood on this week’s trending joke gme!
Spongeworthy Squarepants, Parks and Procreation, Happy Lays, and more #SexySitcoms on this week’s trending joke game!
The French Toast Connection, Romancing the Scone, Scream! Of Wheat, and more #BreakfastAMovie on this week’s trending joke game!
Steal Or No Steal, Card Farts, Manson Family Feud, and more #GrinchAGameShow on this week’s trending joke game!
Night Of The Living Gingerbread, The Hills Have Elves, Nightmare On Elf Street, and more #HolidayAHorrorMovie on this week’s trending joke game!
The Cold and the Beautiful, Snots Landing, Days of our Hives, and more #SickSoapOperas on this weeks trending joke game!
Electric Blanket Orchestra, The Brrrrryrds, Hall & Coats, and more #ColdABand on this week’s trending joke game!
Brittle Shop of Horrors, Fry Fry Birdie, Pies & Dolls, and more #FoodAMusical on this week’s trending joke game!
Laverne & Squirrelly, Stork and Mindy, Fresh Off The Goat, and more #animalsitcoms on this week’s trending joke game!
Madhattan, Snidecar, Champagne In The Ass, and more #CrankyCocktails on this week’s trending joke game!
Betty White Knuckles, Harried Styles, ProZac Efron, and more #StressedCelebs on this week’s trending joke game!
Motel 666, Ben and Scary’s, L.L. Speen, and more #HorrorABusiness on this weeks trending joke game!
Scream of Tartar, Oreganoooo, Boosil, Goryander, and more #SpookySeasons on this week’s trending joke game!
Lima Screams, The Texas Coleslaw Massacre, Kales from the Crypt, and more #HorrorVeggies on this week’s trending joke game!
Sighclops, Sass quatch, Moodusa, and more #MoodyMonsters on this week’s trending joke game!
Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret Cho, LeBron James and the Giant Peach, The Ceelo Green Mile, and more #CelebABook on this week’s trending joke game!
Burger Kings of Leon, Uncle Cracker Barrel, Maroon 5 Guys, and more #RockBandRestaurants on this week’s trending joke game!
Rots Landing, Falcon Crust, The Mold and the Beautiful, and more #StinkySoapOperas on this week’s trending joke game!
Yuck Dynasty, Dancing With The Sars, Skin Hoarders, and more #RottenRealityShows on this week’s trending joke game!
The Da Vinci Choad, Charlotte’s Web Search History, Gone Hurl, and more #NauseatingNovels on this week’s trending joke game!
Panic! At The Dildo, Spinal WAP, Death Cab for Booty, and more #RaunchyRockBands on this week’s trending joke game!
Boston Foot Cream, Cinnamon Cyst, Actual Bear Claw, and more #DigustingDonuts on this week’s trending joke game!
Sharks and Recreation, The Dick Van Pike Show, The Shrimpsons, and more #FishASitcom on this week’s trending joke game!
Pissedtachio, Moose Traps, Butterface Pecan, and more #MeanIceCream in this week’s trending joke game!
Old Spice Girls, Fart Simpson, N*STINK, and more #SmellyCelebs on this week’s trending joke game!
Personal Space Invaders, Fartnite, Chronic the Hedgehog, and more #VileVideoGames on this week’s trending joke game!
Bike & Ikes, Smelly Ranchers, B.O. Henry, and more #SweatySweets on this week’s trending joke game!
The Man In The White Castle, Game of Scones, Dr. Whom, Comedians in Jars Getting Toffee, and more #SuckyStreamingShows on this week’s trending joke game!
Shart Ribs, T-Boner Steak, Snot Dogs, and more #GrossGrillGrub on this week’s trending joke game!
Coke Zero Friends, Sunpissed, Ginger Fail, and more #SadSodas in this week’s trending joke game!
Raggedy Anne Hathaway, GI Joan Collins, Pog the Bounty Hunter, and more #CelebAToy on this week’s trending joke game!
McRibbed For Her Pleasure, Side Chick-fil-A, Legg McMuffin, and more #FlirtyFastFood on this week’s trending joke game!
Frosted mini weeps, Honeycombover, Bloatmeal, and more #SadCereals on this week’s trending joke game!
The Fart Of The Deal, The Smell Jar, A Tree Grows in Jersey, and more #StinkyBooks on this week’s trending joke game!
Honeydon’t, Sour Grapes, Mango to hell, and more #FuriousFruits on this week’s trending joke game!
SpongeBob NoPants, Bi-Curious George, The Gimpsons, and more #KinkyCartoons on this week’s trending joke game!
The Tiger King and I, A Little Fright Music, Gaslight Express, Jared and the Amazing Technicolor Dumbass, and more #EvilMusicals on this week’s trending joke game!
French Nip, BLTease, Jon Hamm & Chesse, and more #SexySandwiches on this week’s trending joke game!
Wheel of Foreskin, Rash Cab, Whose Swine is it Anyway?, and more #GrossGameShows on this week’s trending joke game!
The Mamas and the Pastas, Justin Beefer, David Lee Broth, and more #BandAFood on this week’s trending joke game!
Show Me Your Tetris, The Oregon Happy Trail, Assteroids, and more #VivaciousVideoGames on this week’s joke game!
Grim & Tonic, Mountain Blue, Red Whine, and more #DepressedDrinks on this week’s trending joke game!
Master Baking, Morning Wood Working and Crotchet and more #hornyhobbies in our trending joke game!
‘Blouse Trap’, ‘Go Fist’, ‘Sorry, Wrong Hole’. Oh my, things got adult and we trended with #NaughtyBoardGames on this week’s joke game!
Game of Scones, Griddle House on the Prairie, Murder She Oat, Buns of Anarchy, and more #BreakfastATVshow on this week’s joke game!
Timothy Elephant, Chick Norris, Betty White Shark, and more #CelebAnAnimal on this week’s joke game!
Cherry Pieden, Butter Emails, Bundtigieg Cake, and more #DemocratDesserts on this week’s joke game!
You’re Quite A Catch-22, Lord of the Bar Flies, Jurassic Spark and more #FlirtyBooks on this week’s joke game!
Dongs and Bongs, Weed harmony, Stumble, and more #StonerDatingApps on this week’s trending joke game!
‘Saved by the Smell’, ‘Funky Brewster’, ‘Welcome Back, Farter’ and more #StinkySitcoms on this week’s joke game!
Lint Chocolate Chip, Rocky RoadKill, Wookies & Cream and more #IckyIceCream on this weeks joke game!
‘Hawaii: We’re All Getting Lei’d!’ ‘California: Thongs and bongs.’ ‘Delaware came first’, and more #SexyStateSlogans on this week’s joke game!
Chill Bill, Frosty/Nixon, Scarf Face, Frost in Space and more #SnowmanAMovie on this week’s jokes game!
Hater Tots, Scream Beans, & Sweet, Sour, Bitter, Angry Lonely Chicken! It’s #MoodyMenuItems on this week’s joke game!
‘Quit the vape, get in shape’, ‘I resolve to evolve’, ‘Try to get more sleep and be less of a creep’, and more #RhymeAResolution on this week’s joke game!
Space Force Invaders, Sonic the Hedgefund Manager, Amazon Primecraft and more #ArcadeTheDecade on our weekly joke game!
Santa Claws is coming to town, Do They Know It’s Catsmas, God Rest Ye Meowy Gentlemen, and more #CatAChristmasCarol on this week’s joke game!
Pole Dancer, Vomit Comet, Door Dasher and more ways to #RuinAReindeer on this week’s joke game!
Two Brrrrroke Girls, Freeze Company, Parkas and Recreation and more #ColdSitcoms on this week’s joke game!
Sex On A Feast, Thanks gining, Vodka Giblet and more #ThanksgivingACocktail on this week’s joke game!
Sinner Rolls, Smash Potatoes, 50 Shades of Gravy, Undressing and more #SexySides on this week’s joke game!
Smelly lunches, stealing pens, and playing on Twitter, #BadOfficeHabits on this week’s joke game!
Leeches and Cream Pie, Crapple pie, Key Lyme and more #RuinAPie on this week’s hashtag joke game!
Brains, Chains & Automobiles, Love, Hackually, It’s A Wonderful Knife, and more #HorrorHolidayMovies on our weekly joke game!
Pleatherface, The Slob, Chunky and more #KnockOffMonsters on this week’s joke game!
Rainbow Fright, Indiana Bones, Scooby-Doom and more #Haunted Heroes on our weekly joke game!
Reese’s Body Pieces, BloodGushers, Rosemary’s Baby Ruth and more #CreepyCandies in this week’s joke game!
Haunted Forest Ham, Ghost Beef, Pastrami on Eye and more #SpookySandwiches on this weeks joke game!
Benedict Pumpkinpatch, Tiffany Radish, Spuddy Holly and more #CelebAVegetable on this week’s joke game!
Saved By The Bellini, BoJack and Coke Horseman, Hill Street Booze and more #TVcocktails on this week’s joke game!