Entries by Weekly Humorist Hashtag Games



I’m Hooked On A Riesling, Every Rosé Has it’s Thorn. Into The Grape Wide Open, and more #WineASong on this week’s joke game!



Butternut Sasquash, Back to Skool-Aid, Pumpkin Lice and more #FailedFallFlavors on our weekly joke game!



Downward Spiral, Lazy Dog, Remote Control Reach and more #BadYogaPoses on our weekly joke game!



Raiders of the Lost Carp, Death Fish, Get Trout and more #FishAnActionMovie on this week’s hashtag game!



Horny Nut Cheerios, Bedded Wheat, Porn Flakes and more #SexyCereals on our weekly joke game!



King of Creams, Family Pies, Berried…With Children, and more #SitcomAPie!



‘How To Lose A Pie In 10 Days’, ‘Dove, Actually’, ’50 first cakes’, and more #RomComDesserts!



Midnight in the Olive Garden of Good and Evil, Tortellini Recall, A Fusilli Good Men and more #PastaFlicks



Chris Pineapple, Melon DeGeneres, Emma Stonefruit and more #FruitACelebrity on today’s hashtag game!



From Here To Maternity, Raiders of the Lost Matriarch, 10 Things I Hate About Your Dirty Room and more #MomAMovie in this week’s trending game!



‘Hamberders’, ‘Pee Pee Tape’, ‘Who’s Tiffany?’ and many more #TopRedactedWords in this week’s hashtag game!



Depreciation on Droids, Quidditch Gambling Debts, Parallel Dimension Deductions and more in our weekly hashtag game!



Health Inspector Gadget, Charlie Frown, Muppet Scabies and more #SadCartoons



Shittles, Gummy Sperms, Sweetfarts and more #KnockOffCandy in our comedy hashtag game!



No Clue, Sorry, Not Sorry and Frisk. Lots of funny #FailedBoardGames on our trending hashtag game!



Our heads are still ringing in the new year, or just ringing…where’s the Tylenol!? Lots of unregretful fun this week on our Weekly Humorist Hashtag game!



We really phoned it in and had a lot of fun with this week’s hashtag game w/ @HashtagRoundUp powered by @TheHashtagGame. Play our comedy hashtag twitter games every Wednesday at 11 am EST. Let’s play #UnnecessaryiPhoneFeatures with co-host @delaneyWHmag @HashtagRoundup powered by @TheHashtagGame #WittyWednesday pic.twitter.com/BFh8MqtNmT — Weekly Humorist (@WeeklyHumorist) December 26, 2018   Rotary dialer#UnnecessaryiPhoneFeatures […]



The wonderful season of assembling new toys and realizing how horribly loud they are is upon us! We trended #7 in the whole USA and unboxed a lot of fun this week on our Weekly Humorist Hashtag game! On @HashtagRoundUp powered by @TheHashtagGame. Play our comedy hashtag twitter games every Wednesday at 11 am EST. […]



So, our typically fun little weekly hashtag game turned into a massive worldwide #1 trend and our funny little jokes were over powered by a bunch of verified celebs, but what can you do, gotta lean in to it, right? SO here are the best of the popular bunch! BTS (who the hell is that?) […]



Make Americano Great Again, Coffee: Because anger management is too expensive. And more #CoffeeSlogans



We come from the FUTURE to tell you about the very important TV SHOWS and they are..terrible! We had some reality TV fun this week on our Weekly Humorist Hashtag game! On @HashtagRoundUp powered by @TheHashtagGame. Play our comedy hashtag twitter games every Wednesday at 11 am EST. Let’s play #FutureRealityTV with co-host @delaneyWHmag @HashtagRoundup […]



Ask for a recount of what you drank last night…Ugh, our head. What happened? Are we saved? Did we wake up from this political waking nightmare? NO! Just kidding! But we had some fun this week on our Weekly Humorist Hashtag game!



My Knife and Kids, Charles in Chunks, and more Gore-filled TV comedies this week on our Weekly Humorist Hashtag game! On @HashtagRoundUp powered by @TheHashtagGame. Play our comedy hashtag twitter games every Wednesday at 11 am EST.



It was a funny, excuse filled haunting this week on our Weekly Humorist Witty Wednesday Hashtag game! On @HashtagRoundUp powered by @TheHashtagGame. We trended #8 in USA! Play our comedy hashtag twitter games every Wednesday at 11 am EST.



It was a spooky, suspenseful and sad boost of adulting this week on our Weekly Humorist Witty Wednesday Hashtag game! On @HashtagRoundUp powered by @TheHashtagGame. We trended #5 in USA and make it to Twitter Moments! Play our comedy hashtag twitter games every Wednesday at 11 am EST.



I Know What You Did Last Summer Olympics, Synchronised Skinning, Ben Roethlismurder and more #HorrorSports from our trending hashtag game!



You guys are cooking up some great ways to #RuinACookie! Here are some of the best from our weekly twitter game!



Being enrolled in these #CrappyCollegeCourses might be the only thing worse than having an 8am! Check out our course catalog! Co-hosted by @FastLaugh on @HashtagRoundUp powered by @TheHashtagGame. Play our comedy hashtag twitter games every Wednesday at 11 am EST. Let’s play #CrappyCollegeCourses with co-host @delaneyWHmag @HashtagRoundup powered by @TheHashtagGame #WittyWednesday pic.twitter.com/oeZqq81QMd — Weekly Humorist […]



These #FakeSummerStories are truly unbelievable! Here are some of the best! Co-hosted by @FastLaugh on @HashtagRoundUp powered by @TheHashtagGame. Play our comedy hashtag twitter games every Wednesday at 11 am EST. Let's play #FakeSummerStories with co-host @delaneyWHmag @HashtagRoundup powered by @TheHashtagGame #WittyWednesday pic.twitter.com/FFP2gsVEtY — Weekly Humorist (@WeeklyHumorist) August 22, 2018 #FakeSummerStories I went outside more […]



This week we were bored to death by your #BoringCampFireStories! Here are some of the best! Co-hosted by @FastLaugh on @HashtagRoundUp powered by @TheHashtagGame. Play our comedy hashtag twitter games every Wednesday at 11 am EST. Let's play #BoringCampFireStories with co-host @delaneyWHmag @HashtagRoundup powered by @TheHashtagGame #WittyWednesday pic.twitter.com/feyMD0p0CJ — Weekly Humorist (@WeeklyHumorist) August 15, 2018 […]



We beat the heat this week with #BadWaysToCoolOff! Here are some of the best! Co-hosted by @FastLaugh on @HashtagRoundUp powered by @TheHashtagGame. Play our comedy hashtag twitter games every Wednesday at 11 am EST. Let's play #BadWaysToCoolOff with co-host @delaneyWHmag @HashtagRoundup powered by @TheHashtagGame #WittyWednesday pic.twitter.com/AP9k725s3K — Weekly Humorist (@WeeklyHumorist) August 8, 2018 Doing anything […]



Breath in. Breath out. Relax – here are our best #OfficeLifeMantras! Co-hosted by @FastLaugh on @HashtagRoundUp powered by @TheHashtagGame. Play our comedy hashtag twitter games every Wednesday at 11 am EST. Let’s play #OfficeLifeMantra with co-host @FastLaugh @HashtagRoundup powered by @TheHashtagGame #WittyWednesday pic.twitter.com/805tH16gcR — Weekly Humorist (@WeeklyHumorist) August 1, 2018 Five o’clock Five o’clock Five […]



You incredible folks tweeted #WimpyActionMovies to the #5 trending hashtag in the United States! Here are some of our favorites! Co-hosted by @FastLaugh on @HashtagRoundUp powered by @TheHashtagGame. Play our comedy hashtag twitter games every Wednesday at 11 am EST. Let’s play #WimpyActionMovies with co-host @FastLaugh @HashtagRoundup powered by @TheHashtagGame #WittyWednesday pic.twitter.com/LPsTfhb3IR — Weekly Humorist […]



We made the mistake of asking for your #TerribleTedTalk ideas, and my goodness, let’s hope no one listens to you! Co-hosted by @FastLaugh on @HashtagRoundUp powered by @TheHashtagGame. Play our comedy hashtag twitter games every Wednesday at 11 am EST. Let's play #TerribleTedTalks with co-host @delaneyWHmag @HashtagRoundup powered by @TheHashtagGame #WittyWednesday pic.twitter.com/AV6fzJYTDO — Weekly Humorist […]



In honor of all of the happy celebrity engagements that have been making us so sick as of late, we decided to make up some #KnockOffCelebrities that are just as jealous as we are! Co-hosted by @FastLaugh on @HashtagRoundUp powered by @TheHashtagGame. Play our comedy hashtag twitter games every Wednesday at 11 am EST. Let’s […]



To celebrate America’s sexiest holiday, the 4th of July, we asked you about what #SexyPicnicFoods are at your picnic! Co-hosted by @FastLaugh on @HashtagRoundUp powered by @TheHashtagGame. Play our comedy hashtag twitter games every Wednesday at 11 am EST.     Let's play #SexyPicnicFoods with co-host @FastLaugh part of @HashtagRoundup powered by @TheHashtagGame #WittyWednesday pic.twitter.com/AeykAaqR0z […]



It’s getting hot out, which means it’s time to take to the water to cool off! We asked you for #DrunkWaterSports and got some great ideas. Co-hosted by @FastLaugh on @HashtagRoundUp powered by @TheHashtagGame. Play our comedy hashtag twitter games every Wednesday at 11 am EST Let's play #DrunkWaterSports with co-host @FastLaugh part of @HashtagRoundup […]



It’s summertime, which means the season for sweating in amusement parks and pretending to have fun is here! We asked you for your best #SadAmusementParkRides and got some concerning and creative responses. Co-hosted by @FastLaugh on @HashtagRoundUp powered by @TheHashtagGame. Play our comedy hashtag twitter games every Wednesday at 11 am EST Let’s play #SadAmusementParkRides […]



We’re putting together a summer reading list so we can go on pretending to be academic, and asked you for your best #BadSummerBooks  – and, boy, did you deliver! Co-hosted by @FastLaugh on @HashtagRoundUp powered by @TheHashtagGame. Play our comedy hashtag twitter games every Wednesday at 11 am EST #BadSummerBooks Are You There God It’s […]



It’s interning season and we asked you for your best #SadSummerInternTasks, and it turns out that you were absolutely traumatized as college kids! Co-hosted by @FastLaugh on @HashtagRoundUp powered by @TheHashtagGame. Play our comedy hashtag twitter games every Wednesday at 11 am EST Let’s play #SadSummerInternTasks with co-host @FastLaugh part of @HashtagRoundup powered by @TheHashtagGame […]



We got geared up for the summer season and asked you for your best #BadBBQRubs and you absolutely have the worst picnic this weekend! Co-hosted by @FastLaugh on @HashtagRoundUp powered by @TheHashtagGame. Play our comedy hashtag twitter games every Wednesday at 11 am EST Let’s play #BadBBQRubs with co-host @FastLaugh part of @HashtagRoundup powered by […]



We got into the Royal Wedding mood and asked you for your best #RoyalPickUpLines and you def got some digits, maybe some blue blood and we trended number 6 in the USA! Co-hosted by @FastLaugh on @HashtagRoundUp powered by @TheHashtagGame. Play our comedy hashtag twitter games every Wednesday at 11 am EST I’m a William […]