A Day in the Life of a Department of Education Official, According to Donald Trump
6:35 a.m.
Throw a spare bible in Bible Fire.
6:36 a.m.
Add a few American flags as kindling.
7:15 a.m.
Recite affirmations in front of the mirror: “You are woke. You are woker. You are the wokest.”

Movie Roles Tom Hanks Lost By Being Too Tom Hanks
Movie: Barbie, Role: Beach Ken What happened? Hanks could not beach.

The Rites of Spring (Cleaning)
Spring cleaning is an ancient tradition, dating back to when cave dwellers first realized that last season’s mammoth bones were starting to attract wolves. Today, the ritual persists, but with more existential dread and fewer saber-toothed tigers.

What Your Favorite Spice Blend Says About Your Personal Brand
Taco Seasoning: You’re everyone’s go-to for a quick pick-me-up text message that usually reads something like, “Margs tonight??? Ayyyy!!!” (Yes, you use at least three exclamation points.) In your mind, Taco Tuesday is basically a sacred holiday. You’re the life of the party, always down to combine random leftover proteins into a “DIY Taco Buffet,” which is 90 percent store-bought salsa and shredded cheese.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Box Turtles, Resident Eagle, Snake invaders, and more #VeterinarianVideoGames on this week's trending joke game!

Biggest Surprises Revealed In JFK Assassination Files…
Jacqueline Onassis wasn’t genuinely too upset about being splashed with the blood and brain matter of her husband, but was “significantly perturbed” by ample amounts of same finding their way into her blueberry yogurt.

DOGE FAQ For Federal Employees Returning to the Office
Question: Will employees be allowed to use scented candles in their offices? Answer: Yes, but the approved scents are patriotism, tobacco, and Coors Light.

Your Work Camp Or Mine? A Guide To Dating In Trump’s Dystopian Future
Holding hands while enjoying one another’s company during a romantic walk is an excellent way to build onto that initial spark of attraction. Of course, don’t wander beyond the perimeter of the electric security gate or camp personnel will have no other choice than to shoot both of you on sight.

Gin and Toxic, Gloomshine, Depresso Martini, and more #GiveBoozeTheBlues on this week's trending joke game!

Customer Reviews of the New Tesla Dealership at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
“The salesman mumbled something about the car outlasting social security, which is a weird thing to say. Don’t recommend.”

Texts From My Neighbor: Could You Take Care of My Plants? Oh, and One Other Thing...
2/13/2025 at 2:17 am :Thanks so much for agreeing to water my plants! Wanted to give you the rundown: Just fill up the measuring cup next to the sink with water and share it among the plants. Then, do 400 jumping jacks near my window so the water settles and distributes evenly. That’s it! Thanks again, Chica!

Adjusted for Inflation
1969: Six kids in the Brady Bunch Now: 52 kids in the Brady Bunch

Leaked: Donald Trump’s Initial List of Cabinet Picks!
Department of Homeland Security: The Cigarette Smoking Man (X-Files) As head of a shadowy syndicate, the cigarette smoking man certainly knows his way around a bureaucracy bogged down in red tape. Carrying the ignominious nickname ‘Cancer Man,’ he participated in a decade-long cover up that involved preparing Earth for an alien invasion.

Tit-A-Whirl, Humper Cars, Log Floozy, and more #CarnalCarnivalAttractions on this week's trending joke game!

Avenue Qanon and 10 Other Trump Themed Musicals to Replace Hamilton at the Kennedy Center
Avenue Qanon, Scamilton, The Lyin’ King, and more!

Meet The Newest Smurfs!
Horny Smurfette: Gets paid to show her Smurf online on her OnlySmurfs account. Most notoriously streamed video of herself Smurfing over a hundred Smurfs.

Joey, Baby, How's My Favorite President Doing?
Calm down, I'm not saying game shows gotta be your bag. My point is you've got the pick of the litter right now. Even Rogan's people want a piece of the action. You just need to trust me, baby. You've got the look and I've got the connections.

How To Identify Canadian-Made Products
It is sold with a pack of hockey cards and a heartfelt apology for any inconvenience.

Your Heaven Welcome Packet. Also, Let Us Explain All The Paintings of Benicio Del Toro
This letter is to give you first a quick overview of what to expect and then, we’ll explain why you might see a lot of humongous murals featuring the actor Benicio Del Toro engaging in cartoonish levels of violence.

3 Dog Night Court, C*L*A*S*H, The Family Guy Stone, and more #SitcomARockBand on this week's trending joke game!

Like My Work? Buy Me a Coffee (Shop)!
I know what you’re thinking: Isn’t it a bit much to ask someone to tip you enough to purchase a local coffeehouse in exchange for a 3-minute read? How much does a coffee shop cost, anyway? It’s got to be a lot, right? Are we talking independent or franchise? Do you even know the first thing about running such an establishment?

Least Popular Starbucks Beverages
Double Half Cup Cappuccino With Double Purple Hairs Of Barista...

Elon Musk’s Personal Notes on Federal Employees’ “5 bullets” Emails
Musk’s notes: Do any of those states have any woke Marxist Democrat Congressmen? If so, fire. If not… what the hell, just fire anyway.

The Best Way to Improve Government Efficiency is More Email
Why am I, a private citizen, recommending federal personnel actions on social media? How am I literally running the entire government right now? The answer to all of those questions is that hundreds of elected officials are just straight up letting me. I honestly did not think it would be this easy.

Pander Express, Surly fries, Frisky Kreme Donuts, and more #FeistyFastFood on this week's trending joke game!

The Master Criminal
My criminal career can never be derailed, because I am always careful. For example, when I housesit, I steal money. However, I only take small amounts. This morning, a wealthy friend let me watch his home and feed his purebred Sphynx cat while he was on vacation. I saw that he had left a $100 bill out on his bureau. I refused to get greedy and swipe the whole $100. Instead, I pocketed the bill and left $82.74 in small bills and change in its place.

I’m Staying At The El Dorado
I see you nursing that drink, and it feels like fate. How about we blow this juke joint and head on over that way? Don’t get me wrong—this bar has its charm, but it ain’t the El Dorado… Picture this: you, me, a bottle of wine… up on the rooftop, where no one’s been stabbed for weeks.

We're Sun Chips, And The USDA Said We Can Be Called Vegetables
HI YUP! Honest to god, good ol’ fashioned vegetables. A single rumpled bag of Harvest Cheddar you forgot about find in the bottom of your work bag can now be sold as actual, real chow. And you won’t know the difference! Well, you might by the taste, calories and saturated fat but TRUST US, you are eating a vegetable.

Items Newly Arrived At The Monkey’s Pawn Shop, Gently Used Occult Items At Friendly Prices
The Blade Of Infinite Darkness needs a replaced charge cord in order to return darkness to infinite status, but is otherwise in good condition.

Quiz: Marvel Villain or Musk Department of DOGE Staffer Anonymous Social Media Post
Just for the record, I was racist before it was cool.
Only the most broken people can be great leaders.
We need a eugenic immigration policy.
And more!

Pesterday, Baby Got Backhanded, Keep On Shoving You, and more #BullyABallad on this week's trending joke game!

”Department of Government Efficiency” Job Application
Which of the following most excites you about DOGE? Rank the below choices from “rockin’” to “bitchin’”:
__ Denying food to starving children
__ Cutting off HIV drugs from people who will die without them
__ Screwing with my elder relatives’ Social Security payments
And more!

As Your Platonic BFF, I Think You Should Get Back Out There!
I’m honest because I’m your BFF, your platonic ride-or-die, and I think you deserve someone who really understands you. The kind of guy who has been in love with you since college and has an inside joke with your mom. Hypothetically.

The Valentine’s Day Movie Marathon For Perennial Singles
How to Lose a Guy in 10 Minutes
The Last and the Spurious
The Princess Cried
Legally Blocked, And More!

20 Or So Questions With Cupid
CUPID: Okay , this is where the confusion comes in… The love IS the gift, get it? What you do with that gift is up to you. No refunds. WH: It’s true, I’ve never gotten a bad case of chlamydia from a gift in my Christmas stocking.

An Open Letter to the Lady in the Park Offering “Free Tantalizing Foot Massage”
Even if getting my calluses greased up was my thing, I can’t fathom having such a hankering that I’d accept a free massage from a stranger in a cold, muddy, windswept park, surrounded by the far-from-tantalizing sounds of screaming kids.

CARTOON: Checkmate
Divide and Conquer. Today's cartoon by Lia Strasser & Bizzy Coy.

CARTOON: Artificial Annoyance
Wearable Woes. Today's cartoon by Sarah Morrissette.

CARTOON: Congestion Below
Mousepad to Mousepad Traffic. Today's cartoon by Zip Freeman.

Most Romantic Monster Truck Rally Jumbotron Messages
“Ashleigh, I want your militia to meet my militia.”

A History of Reality TV Programs Developed By Mattel, The Makers of UNO
Next month on CBS, the storm has cleared and six of the hunkiest men you’ve ever seen are dropped off onto UNO island where they’ll compete to find last season’s missing hunks. Rescued contestants get dealt in to the finale game of UNO, but only one will leave with the Wild Card Queen (as long as she is also found).

If Senate Confirmation Hearings Were Like Regular Interviews
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Have you ever made spaghetti alfredo with fresh garlic and tapeworms? Did you cook the garlic first? Did you wait until the bear was dead before extracting the tapeworms? Did you use organic whipping cream and imported parmesan cheese? Did you inject the tub of butter into your vein to ward off smallpox and then have to go back to the supermarket to get another? Do you like touching your own eyeballs? Who are you?

Options To Replace The “End Racism” Super Bowl Message That Align With The Trump Administration
Let’s Just Say We Ended Racism
Resume Racism
Choose Whiteness, and more!

Dolphin Lundgren, Christian Whale, Geese Witherspoon, and more #AnimalizeAnActor on this week's trending joke game!

Excerpts from Kafka’s The Metamorphosis, or from My Life as a Remote Worker?
He realized now that he was reduced to nothing more than an animal, although he was still capable of human feelings.

CARTOON: Faux-mingos
Plastic Pink. Today's cartoon by Katherine Bettis.

CARTOON: Ocean Voyeurs
Breach of Privacy. Today's cartoon by Thomas Wykes.

CARTOON: Pucker Plight
Frog's Leap. Today's cartoon by Zip Freeman.

Police Chaste, Never Smash Brothers, Call of No Booty, and more #VirginalVideoGames on this week's trending joke game!

Quiz: Snow Plow or Shaved Ice/Snow Cone Biz
Shiver Me Timbers
Fast and Flurryous
Ice Cubed
And more!

Will Your Child be Sent Home From Preschool Today? A (Snot) Color Guide
YELLOW WITH SPOTS: Obviously your child is unable to attend school for the rest of the week, but Sally’s mom has asked us to remind you to drop off 50 dairy-free, nut-free, funfetti-free cupcakes for the winter fundraiser on Thursday between 10:49 AM - 11:07 AM.

RFK Jr.’s Natural Remedies to Replace Antidepressants
Nudie Mags: This is a shame-free spirit-booster for people with quirks like indulging in their PMS. My favorite videos feature lady librarians with nerd glasses flipping through library books, tearing out the pages one by one, and eating them whole.

True Crime Podcasts Recommended By Your Mom’s Friend Janet
A Dark Reckoning: One of the investigators sounds just like your brother Thomas. The same inflections and everything! Tell him that I said hi when you see him, is he still seeing that one girl?

How to Shrug Off That You Got Sent to the Gatorade Jug After Trying to Order Water at the Bar
Getting your steps in: Why else would you be walking to the Gatorade water tank 100 yards away from your table. To get water? Um, no. You didn’t even want water, and those 10,000 steps aren’t going to step themselves. The only thing worse than the shame of being seen self-serving yourself a one oz. cup of water like you’re a 7-year-old at a tee-ball game is dying early from heart disease after leading a sedentary lifestyle.

CARTOON: Claws for Concern?
Sacrificial Sweetness. Today's cartoon by Vaughan Tomlinson.

Bar Trek, Johnnie Skywalker, Whiskey on the Spocks, and more #AlienAlcohol on this week's trending joke game!

In Honor of Martin Luther King Jr., We’re Dismantling Federal Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
We’re not killing Dr. King’s dream, we’re just removing the problem entirely from our line of sight so that it no longer exists. Not seeing color isn’t racism repackaged, it’s true equality.

Yoga-Adjacent Poses to Guide You Through the Second Trump Administration
What if I am hopelessly uncoordinated? No one is left behind! Just for you we have composed a lovely set of affirmations in a spoken-word CD called, "Sad Truths for Easy Weeping." Lie awake to such inspiring reflections as, "I wouldn't put it past them to abolish the FDIC," and, "What if he never leaves??"

The Next 10 Air Bud Movies
Air Bud NASCAR: Need for Breed

MAGAmmendments to the Ten Commandments
2nd Commandment: Thou shall not take the Lord’s name in vain, which is definitely a big one. Unless you’re willing to cut me in on the deal and let me get my beak wet, then you can take it in vain to your heart’s content. Let’s set up a meeting.

The Next Four Years Told Through Youtube Titles
Alien Invasion or Elaborate Hoax? Zane & Maya Discuss While Cooking Chicken Alfredo

CARTOON: Astonishing Equine
Single Spectacle. Today's cartoon by Andy Anderson & Rusty Ruble.

CARTOON: Artful Accusations
Critical Glance. Today's cartoon by Chris Shorten.

CARTOON: Sasquatch Smitten
Big Feet, Bigger... Heart. Today's cartoon by Nathan Cooper.

Brand New Sexual Bases For The Age Of OnlyFans
10th Base: Teaching your crab lice to make their own OnlyFans account to help pay for groceries and other household expenses.

Boeing’s Quality Control Team Meets to Discuss Safety and Bird Attacks
BOB: Take a seat, team. Liz is right. We have to go into damage-control mode and get to the bottom of this crash. But we need to ask the right questions.
LIZ: How could this happen?
BOB: Wrong question.
CARTER: Who’s responsible?
BOB: Even more wrong.
WILLIAM: Who can we blame?
BOB: Bingo.

J.D. Vance’s Inauguration Day Schedule
10:15am: Show up early to inauguration venue and realize he forgot ID. Go back to get it because no one recognizes him.

Runaway Snide, (500) Days of Bummer, Reality Spites, and more #RudeRomComs on this week's trending joke game!

A Letter to My Younger Self of a Few Weeks Ago About Our New Year’s Resolutions
I applaud your plan to “Eat healthier – no more triple bacon burgers with loaded fries and extra thick thickshakes at 2 am.” But it’s not my fault you packaged and labeled all the Christmas leftovers for each day until February. I’ve been eating the ham like you were drinking the eggnog: without reading the use-by date, late at night on the kitchen floor, alone, and belting out Queen’s “Don’t Stop Me Now.”

CARTOON: Buzzkill
Hive Life. Today's cartoon by Bill Thomas.

CARTOON: Escalating Talent
Airborne Artist. Today's cartoon by Nathan Cooper.

CARTOON: Spot the Specs
Finding Focus. Today's cartoon by Kyle Bravo.

Beige Against the Machine, Goutkast, Turd Eye Blind, and more #Nightmare90sBands on this week's trending joke game!

Your Mom’s a Whore and Other Claims About Your Family No Longer Fact-Checked by Meta
Yo mama so fat she started a social media platform called XL.

In Space, No One Can Hear You Stream
Bachelor Island: Do you believe that a few decades ago people used to watch The Bachelor?? Jesus Christ. Anyway, at least it means that we have this much superior show now, where former contestants from The Bachelor are hunted for sport on an island owned by ugly guys who were bullied in high school but are rich and resentful now.

I’ve Taken Temporary Custody of Liam Gallagher To Ensure the Oasis Tour Actually Happens
I wish he would stop calling me a kidnapper. That is a mischaracterization. He voluntarily got into my vehicle. Yes, I told him the record label sent me, but I was driving a dented 2019 Rav 4, and wearing plaid pajama bottoms. Some of this is on him.

Driving Directions to My Place Way Out in the Sticks
This is grasshopper country, so roll your windows up tight. They’ll drop their eggs right into the passenger compartment of a speeding car and onto your lap. I’ve seen it too many times.

Uber Rebrands to Enhance Customer Fee Experience
Legal Disclaimer: As per the Uber Fees, Inc. terms of service, any person, bot, or animate creature who views this press release is subject to a word absorption fee.

CARTOON: Courtesy Quicksand
Invitation Equation. Today's cartoon by Vaughan Tomlinson.

New Year’s Resolutions From Parallel Earth Alpha Nova 7
Eat more scorpions. And more!

I’m a Popcorn Bowl NOT a Throw-Up Bowl
Hey, Greg. No, you’re not hallucinating; it’s me, your popcorn bowl. I know we don’t normally do this, but I don’t know how much time we have, so I’d appreciate it if you listen to what I have to say. Greg, I am a popcorn bowl. That means I hold popcorn, not throw up.

The New Astrology: You Are A Combination of Two of These Five Pillars
Spongebob Squarepants = Risky / Whimsy - Lives in a pineapple under the effing sea, positive and lighthearted, isn’t scared of getting stung by jellyfish, probably doesn’t have health insurance or a 401K (Mr. Krabs would never provide employee benefits)

New York Jets will still suck, New year new me blah blah, Canada Builds Wall, Pays For It, and more #NewYearIn6words in this week's trending joke game!

Top Ten Top Ten Numbers of 2024
Our yearly list you don't want to miss!

Pour Christmases, The Sangria Clause, Miracle on 34 Proof Street, and more #DrunkChristmasMovies on this week's trending joke game!

Subscribe to “The Gospel According to Matthew” Substack
I know we all get too much spam (my house is still filled with the recent political campaign scrolls from Pontius Pilate). So I’ll post roughly every two weeks — just enough to get us through my planned 28 posts before it’s Jesus’ birthday again and this time for you to ask “But what exactly is frankincense?”

Classic Album Titles Revised by a Guy Who Just Loves Music So Darn Much!
The Clash: London Calling? I Accept the Charges!

Signs That Your Parents Are Trying To Kill You
Rather than the Cub Scouts, your parents have you join the Crips.

Hey Kleenex! I’m a Jewish Man, and I Love Your Christmas-Themed Tissue Boxes
You didn’t ask for my opinion in the pre-marketing discussions, but that’s okay. I’m way too old to stick my runny nose up at a box of tissues simply because the design doesn’t align with my religious views. In fact, I believe the decorative Christmas-themed box of snot rags is about as lit as a menorah on the eighth day of Hanukkah.

Murder on 34th street, Car Jack Frost, Drone Alone, and more #CriminalChristmasMovies on this week's trending joke game!

Why Virgin Mary Is Opting For a Natural Barn Birth
I make my clothes and wash them in the river not because I only own and can only afford one garment but because it’s the sustainable option. At the end of the day, I’m doing what’s right for me and my little savior of the world.

Roasting On An Open Fire: Andrew “Ice” Sleigh Roasts Santa
Hey, glad to see everyone! How’s everybody doing tonight? I see Frosty was able to get out of rehab in order to be here. Could somebody check, I guarantee you that he’s at least fifty percent frozen alcohol right now. A walking, talking pina colada - Please Frosty, just let the hat fall off and leave it at that. Jesus.

As Emerald City Officials, We Assure You the Winged Monkeys are Nothing to Worry About
We are tired of all these conspiracy theories. Remember last year when Gillikin Country was blanketed in a glowing mystery haze and we told you it was nothing? Sure it turned out to be a deadly tornado originating from Kansas, but it was most certainly not Elphaba trying to get hold of those ruby slippers by blowing weed into your lungs. Or that time when the green liquid was found flowing out of Lake Quad? It was just some raw poison poppy contaminating the crops. Not the witch urinating on Oz.

A Christmas Carol... If It Had Gone Horribly Wrong Within The First Few Minutes
Christmas Eve 1843 was a fairly good day for Scrooge, at least by his twisted standards. He'd only gotten to foreclose on three widows and hadn't kicked a single orphan, but he did get to reject a dinner invitation from his nephew Fred in a particularly brutal way and he made absolute mincemeat out of two charity chumps who foolishly came into the office, scrounging for donations.

Escaping Flavortown with Guy Fieri
You wake up in a pile of giant calamari, and the hot oil stings your skin. The gargantuan halos are looped around your arms and legs, pulling you down. They’re fresh out of the fryer and hot, hot, hot! How did you get here? You don’t know. You remember nothing. You just know you’re burning to death in an oversized appetizer of crispy, crispy rings. It does smell good, though--perhaps a hint of lemon.

CARTOON: Brewed Awakening
Caffeine Curriculum. Today's cartoon by Todd Condron.

CARTOON: Northern Exposure
Frosty Flash. Today's cartoon by Rich Sparks.

CARTOON: Crash Course
Steer Clear. Today's cartoon by Kyle Bravo.

12 Lays of Christmas, We Threesome Kings, Jingle balls, and more #CarnalCarols on this week's trending joke game!

Christmas Songs For Spinsters
O Horny Night, You're a Mean One, Mr. Hinge, Sad Old Broad is Coming to Town, I Want a Hypnotherapist For Christmas, and many more!

Lesser Known Facts About House Speaker Mike Johnson
Truly believes that God sent Donald Trump to lead America, and yet still chooses to be a Christian anyway.

It’s Time to Get Hard
I needed to find one of these wise gurus who is a leader in anti-softness like Bill Maher so I could tell him in person (the best way) about what I learned on this journey (so much). But when I broke into his studio, he just called for security, which kind of surprised me. I thought from his complaining about the woke youth that he wanted to collaborate mano a (wo)mano with hardos like me.

House Resolution: Renaming Donald Trump’s “Transition” Team to Reflect That He Is Biologically President
A “Biological President” is naturally “male,” meaning an individual who has, had, or would have, but for a historical polo accident, the reproductive system that at some point produces, transports, and ejects sperm for exclusively male purposes, such as fertilization or so-called “sexual assault,” which is defined as the legal and victim-less playboy antics of a rogue, rake, or rapscallion.

How the Grinch Robbed Nakotomi Plaza
Every Who down in Who-ville liked Christmas a lot.
But the Grinch, who used to work for Nakotomi Corporation, DID NOT!

CARTOON: Mummories
Wrap it up. Today's cartoon by Alan Rozanski.

CARTOON: Wrong Number
Lamp Scamp. Today's cartoon by Thomas Wykes.

Mistletoe Jam, 2 Turd Doves, Randy Canes, and more #DisgustingDecorations on this week's trending joke game!

I’ve Decided to Replace the Guinea Pig With a Larger, Slightly More Calculated Guinea Pig
I didn’t want this to happen. When I went to Petco and looked for the best guinea pig to defend all the other guinea pigs, I felt confident that I was walking away with the right one. But recently, some disturbing accusations have come to light. In the wake of these alleged scandals, I may be forced to do the unthinkable: Replace this guinea pig with a slightly larger, more calculated guinea pig. From a different Petco, of course.

New Holiday Travel Road Games
Mad Libtards: While stopping for dinner at a Cracker Barrel in the middle of nowhere (there was literally no other place within 50 miles, sue me), how many times and in different ways do the locals use the word “libtard” to describe basic acts of human decency? Too many to count, get the fuck out of there!!

Rejected Sequels To “The Nightmare Before Christmas”
The Cupid’s Arrow on Cinco De Mayo, The Fasting Before Arbor Day, The Egg Hunt On My Birthday, and more!

Letters From The Frontlines Of The War On Christmas
Sweetheart, Went to a Target tonight. I was horrified to learn the nutcrackers have turned gay. Why must these Secularists sexualize everything? Put your nuts in its mouth like the rest of us and enjoy the birth of our Lord.
Merry Christmas, Jim

The Unspoken Grief of Having to Listen to Your Mother-in-Law Complain About Not Being a Grandparent
But what about my unspoken grief of having to listen to my mother-in-law complain about not being a grandparent? I don’t hear the New York Times knocking on my barren front door for a quote.

CARTOON: Sinking Change of Heart
Quicksand Quandary. Today's cartoon by Steve Daugherty.

Plaque Friday: A Comprehensive Guide To The Best Holiday Dental Bargains In Your Area
Priddy And Sons Dental: 2 crowns for the price of one, bonus X-ray rewards program benefits, only cursory groping and less than half a dozen unlawful photos taken by dentist and assistants.

Are You at a Turkey Trot 5K or Getting High On a Cousin Walk Before Thanksgiving Dinner?
You’re starting to struggle to breathe and realize you might have overdone it.

Twerkey, Viagravy, Randied Yams, and more #HornyHolidaySides on this week's trending joke game!

CARTOON: Turkey Talk
Get stuffed. Today's cartoon by Tyson Cole.

If You Were Raised by Gen X Parents, You May Be Entitled to Compensation
Naturally, as Gen Z you feel entitled to everything regardless. But this settlement is directed at individuals who experienced one or more of the following: Inability to hear other points of view without freaking out. Your job title is “social media influencer”. You can’t read an entire shopping list without getting distracted. And more!

Seven Possible Out-of-Office Notifications for American Democracy
Alternate Contact: Hello, and thanks for your message. I’m away from the office until January 20th, 2029 with no email access. Your message is very important to me, even though most of you have no clue what I’ve done for the last 250 years. For general inquiries, please contact The Constitution in my absence.
Thanks, Democracy

Hellmark Holiday Movie Channel
A Nightmare On 34th St: Fearing that he will flicker out of existence soon, Freddy enlists the aid of the little girl and the lawyer who proved that Santa was real in Miracle On 34th St. Includes the notorious scene where Freddy invades Santa’s dreamscape and forces him to watch his mother playing with herself.

Matt Gaetz Drops AG Bid Amid Suss Speculations
Realized "senior staff" wasn't referring to high school seniors. And more!

Chocolate Frownies, Cross-ants, Grumpkin Pie, and more #PissedOffPastries on this week's trending joke game!

Education SmackDown: Linda McMahon Nominated for Education Secretary
All parent-teacher conferences will now take place inside a steel cage. School cafeterias will serve nothing but raw meat and protein shakes. And more!

I’m the Silica Gel Packet in Your Beef Jerky Bag and Actually, Please Eat Me
Ah, I get it. Your gut is too good for me, deserving only the finest dried cow scrotum to complement a thriving colony of microplastics. Sorry that I can’t be caviar, crème brûlée, or the massive cheese block you fiendishly inhaled in bed at 3 AM. I guess there are humans unafraid to expand the frontier of edible exploration and those who suck down Skittles à la Hungry Hungry Hippos.

Completely Reasonable Stipulations For the Cheapest Flight You’ve Ever Booked
Any trips to the restroom will be an additional $20 ($35 if pooping or vomiting) Crying babies are an additional $1 per minute of crying, and more!

Actual Bowling League Team Name or 2025 Grammy Nominee
Hit Me Hard and Soft
Quick Release
Madison Beer
And more!

This Week’s Most Popular Graffiti Seen On A Restroom Wall At TJ Maxx
Could this stall be the setting of our meet cute? And more!

As a Lesbian, I’m So Relieved a Straight Woman Just Slid Into My DM’s to Let Me Know That Trump Is Actually the Biggest Champion of LGBTQ Rights
But then, a beacon of light emerged from the darkness, in the form of my friends’ mom sliding into my Instagram DM’s with a weird, out-of-context reel where a few self-described gay people I’ve literally never seen or heard of before informed me that I shouldn’t be concerned at all. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. I should be relieved and grateful that Trump won, because he is the biggest champion of LGBTQ rights.

Pepto Buzzkill, Jerktec, Acetameanophen, and more #MeanMedicines on this week's trending joke game!

Miami’s Startling New Demographic Trends Explained
#4: TWERKERS: Once a niche demographic group, this festive part of the population has undergone an awe-inspiring expansion. Twerkers are found mainly over in South Beach where they can be seen slamming their generously developed hindquarters onto the hoods of muscle cars cruising up and down Ocean Drive. They are the number-one cause of the rising costs of car insurance in Miami-Dade County.

I’m Building A Wall Around My Heart, And This Wall Will Have A Glory Hole
Okay, first of all, I’m not being reactionary here; this is not an excuse to be dramatic and throw a hissy fit. But the current situation in my love life has become untenable, and I have therefore been forced into a corner where my only option is to build a towering, securely built wall around my heart. And this wall will contain a glory hole.

Post-Election Emergency Memo From Your Corporation's Head of User Experience
In light of recent events, I’ve been told by the upper echelons of our corporation to remind everyone that we should keep our political opinions to ourselves. They have assured me, and tasked me with assuring you, that corporate work exists in a beautiful, untouchable bubble floating above the needs and wellbeing of U.S. citizens—transitory, illusory, and ultimately unperturbed by the goings-on of the people the corporation aims to turn into customers.

So You’ve Decided to Live Out Your Days in a Remote Monastery: What Next?
Now this is what I'm talking about! Back in the day, St. George had the good sense to build his monastery on a picturesque little island off the coast of Montenegro in the Adriatic Sea. Looks like a good place to bring a catamaran. Now, supposedly, this place is not open to the public. But you're no mere tourist! You're joining up, remember? So slip on your wetsuit, grab your longboard, and hang ten toward some inner peace, dude. Some Debbie Downers out there will tell you that this place is called the "Island of the Dead," but that's just because there's a cemetery there, not because of any zombie outbreaks. That we know of.

Scars & Stripes Forever, All we have to fear is ourselves, One Nation Under Fraud, and more #NewAmericaSlogans on this week's trending joke game!

Incelebrity Apprentice and 11 Other Shows Trump Now Has To Turn Down Hosting
Dancing with the Tsars, and more!

'Twas the Night of the Election (or "A Visit from St. Kornacki")
‘Twas the night of the election, and all over cable news, / Not a network was covering anything but red states and blues. / The pundits were booked on the panel shows with care, / As one spoke, ten others all nodded and stared.

How To Support Queer Folk During Election Season With Very Little Effort
Put a tiny rainbow flag in your pencil cup. And more.

Central Park Defends Its Dry Spell
I haven't really felt in the mood these days. It's embarrassing, but to be perfectly honest, with the election coming up and everything, I've been so stressed out it's affecting my....performance. I haven't been able to muster up significant cloud coverage, never mind generate any actual precipitation. It's been so long I'm pretty sure the next time I encounter a shift in wind speed, what should be a little drizzle is instead going to result in a brief but intense downpour. It's not you, it's me and too much built up atmospheric pressure.

How to Tell Whether Someone is a Spooky Costume Person, a Silly Costume Person, or a Sexy Costume Person
If someone knows their high score in The Addams Family pinball game, they are a sexy costume person. (This year: A very suggestive Cousin Itt) If someone has a Snoopy tattoo, they are a silly costume person. (This year: Gumby) And more!

Little-Known Backstories of Misunderstood Halloween Candies
A great treat for kids who are too young to smoke, but still want to look cool. The candy cigarette paved the way for the invention of candy chewing tobacco, and candy nicotine patches. These are hard to find nowadays - tobacco companies want kids to vape, anyway!

Buzzed Lightyear, Buffy the Vampire Layer, Puke Skywalker, and more #CrudeCostumes on this week's trending hashtag game!

What Your Favorite MLB Mascot Says About You
Dandy of the New York Yankees – You should just admit to having hair plugs (not that there’s anything wrong with that).

I Have Been Silenced by The Media and I'm Not Going To Shut Up About It
After forty-four years of speaking my mind, the woke mob has finally come for me. Now that my YouTube channel has been demonetized, I’ve been completely muzzled, left only with my few million podcast subscribers, two New York Times bestsellers, and this Substack newsletter. My crime? Saying what the mainstream media doesn’t want you to hear.

An Urgent Email from Tony Hinchcliffe's Travel Agent
Unfortunately, I've been unable to book you at another hotel in San Juan or all of Puerto Rico for that matter. Not even a Motel 6. Although you do have an offer from a Waste Management union in Puerto Rico who said they'd be "happy to offer you a smelly mattress in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean" with an offer to take you there by boat.