
CARTOON: Wobbly Heights
Twisted Trials. Today's cartoon by Phil Witte.

SNL Should Bring Back That Cast Member from 15 Years Ago to Play a Current Public Figure
We all remember how much we loved it when that cast member was on the show. I’m sure that person is totally available, and would love to drop everything they’re doing to fly across the country/globe from wherever their current project is filming and give up the majority of their weekends from October through May to appear in an SNL cold open. Each week, they could deliver us a forever-memorable topical sketch where they stand behind a plexiglass podium or sit behind a foam-core Resolute Desk and deliver setup/punchline two-liners about whatever Republicans or pop stars did over the past six days.

"My Father Is A Good Man...But He Is Unfit To Lead,” by a 7-Year-Old
Look, we all love my dad. But this is not the my dad of 3 years ago, who chased that family of mice out of our grill, saving the 4th of July barbecue. This is not the my dad of 2 years ago, who successfully Heimliched our dog after she ate my sister’s 3-D Magna-Tiles. This is the my dad of 2024.

Why Nikki Haley Is Only “Suspending” Her Campaign for President
She has 91 less criminal charges than Trump does. If by some miracle one of them actually lands him in jail she might then become the front runner. And more!

I'm a Resolutions Girly and I Demand to Hear Your New Year's Resolutions
Debbie, I’m not kidding. You see, I’m a Resolutions Girly. I talk about my New Year’s resolutions incessantly from December through January. I force friends, loved ones, and even strangers to share their goals with me, too. I refuse to let any conversation end until I've heard resolutions I find satisfactory. So come on, Debbie. I’m sure you have at least one thing you’d like to change…

CARTOON: Last Night at Mar-A-Lago...
Trump 20-24 years in prison. Today's cartoon by Lars Kenseth.