
April Fools Day Pranks For Fancy Boys
Switch the Soup Spoon and Main Course Spoon At Supper: Mother didn’t dish out thousands of pounds for eight years to a private etiquette coach for nothing! Switch the placement of Mother’s soup spoon and main course spoon before Saturday night supper with your godparents Lord and Lady Hestingforth. As refined as she is, Lady Hestingforth will surely turn pink with secondhand embarrassment when she sees the haphazard place setting of the fine China we actually use every night. You’ll surely get a spanking and stern talking to from Nanny!

April Fools' Day Bingo
Be on the look-out for these bingo pranks. Happy April Fool's!

Bob Eckstein Get's Wet: New Solo Album
“The long-awaited new album by Bob Eckstein is dropping worldwide April 1st called Eleven Songs About Me, a collection of eleven jazz-infused love songs. The first single is “It’s Not You It’s Him.”

Most Hilarious White House Pranks!
President Gerald Ford, a master tightrope artist who performed…