
CARTOON: Paper Jammed
Must be the work of The Jammer!

Spotlight On This Week’s New Comics!
Batman #758
Commissioner Gordon uses the Bat-Signal to ask Batman if he can borrow the cowl and cape for his weekly sex night with Mrs. Gordon.

Gotham City’s Ladies’ Charitable Auxiliary Wishes to Apologize
We are sorry that Poison Ivy saw fit to disrupt our annual orchid show once again. Our Board of Trustees has resolved not to discontinue this popular fundraiser simply because a costumed lunatic has attacked it three years out of the last five. The Gotham City Ladies’ Charitable Auxiliary refuses to let scantily-clad eco-terrorists win.

REVIEW: The Batman
It’s Emo Batman Versus the Zodiac Killer in a Reboot That—if Anything—Is Shorter Than Justice League

Gho-Ho-Ho-ost Rider, Silent Nightcrawler, The Dark Knight before Christmas, and more #HolidayASuperHero on this week's trending joke game!

I can also Batsplain to you about BatCoin! Today's cartoon by Shannon Wheeler.

That bulb is gonna need changing soon. Today's cartoon by Tom Chitty.

CARTOON: Hallmark Heroes
Crush your enemy, by sending your best. Today's cartoon by The Surreal McCoy.

Despite the Fact That I Personally Orchestrated His Release From Arkham Asylum, It Is Not My Responsibility as Mayor of Gotham City to Protect Citizens From Mr. Freeze
Only the strong who have a $50,000 backup generator in their basement will survive. The weak (poor), who do not have a $50,000 backup generator that has been specially programmed to be resistant to the cryogenics of Mr. Freeze will ultimately perish. Don’t blame me, blame your elected officials. No, not me. Your other elected officials.

CARTOON: Undecided
What's it going to be Harvey? Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

CARTOON: Joker Nomination
Some are conflicted about all this Joker praise. Today's cartoon by Evan Lian.

Auteur Director Failed Pitches for Superhero Films
John Waters - WONDER WOMAN
The origin story will remain largely the same, except that Wonder Woman will be played by drag icon Divine. She’s an S&M dominatrix and punishes Nazi’s with her whip and cuffs which are golden Nuvarings.

An Intervention For Batman
Bruce, I'm so sorry that its come to this, but we're going to have you committed to Arkham Asylum...

A Class-Action Lawsuit Against Wayne Enterprises
Pursuant to Gotham City legal statutes, you are hereby given notice that my clients, your former employees, intend to commence a class-action lawsuit against Wayne Enterprises and its subsidiaries to demand change to the abusive working conditions at Wayne Tech Fulfillment Centers. Many are scared to take bathroom breaks as your employee handbook frequently states “CRIME DOESN’T TAKE A BREAK!”

Holy Moley Genitals, Batman! Other Times That Batman Has Exposed His Penis...
The Justice League's Christmas Parties, 1984 - 1997, at which point HR had to step in and get involved.

Recent Justice League Sexual Harassment Allegations
Super-powered individuals are placed on a pedestal in our society,…

Holy Torch Song Trilogy! Harvey Fierstein to play Batman
Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer, George Clooney, Christain Bale, Ben…

Batman and Superman: AN ORAL HISTORY
Superman: Oh, yeah, we were tight. Me and Bats? Are you kidding?…