
CARTOON: Power Switch

Leaving is definitely an upside incentive. Today's cartoon by Drew Panckeri.

CARTOON: Lamb Chops

Tough choices, maybe try the soup?

CARTOON: Potato Funeral

Making those final arrangements can sound delicious. Today's cartoon by Mike Shiell.

CARTOON: Hospital

"It's always about you." Today's cartoon by Bob Eckstein

CARTOON: Drive-Thru

Nine cheeseburgers and a diet coke? Can you repeat that Mr. President?' Today's cartoon by Bob Eckstein and Kit Lively

CARTOON: Other Things Cloned By Barbara Streisand

A second, identical nose on the side of her face. Neil…

Least Coveted Raffle Prizes

Cursed monkey hand Do-It-Yourself Human Centipede Kit $25 gift…

CARTOON: Bedtime Stories