
Lesser Known Tidbits About Art The Clown
Art shows up to murder aimlessly for only several days typically, spending the remainder of his time selling handmade cheese graters on Etsy.

CARTOON: Comedic Kicks
Big Shoes, Big Laughs. Today's cartoon by Isaiah Legette.

Geoffrey’s Sad Clown Rental
These clowns are medicated right up to their blue-tear painted eyeballs and straight through their red noses (some of them snort depression cocaine). You name it, these clowns have been prescribed it. Zoloft, Prozac, low-doses of Morphine. The FDA has recently approved a new and very special niche medication, Klownopin.

CARTOON: Car Shopping
Wait til you see the trunk! Honk. Honk. Today's cartoon by Drew Panckeri.

The Tri-State Area’s Lowest-Rated Birthday Party Clowns
The Clown That Ran Over Your Dog While He Was Parking, and Diabeeto: The Clown That Needs to Give Himself a Shot Real Quick. Smile!

It’s is difficult to remember the small events that preceded…