
2024 Coachella Act or Cancelled Netflix Series

Snowflake Mountain, Jessica Jones, Burna Boy, and more!

2023 Coachella Act or Classic Sitcom Wacky Neighbor

Uncle Waffles, Cosmo Kramer, Quagmire, and more!

Coachella Act or TV Sitcom Catchphrase 

Still Woozy, Bang, zoom, to the moon, Alice, Kiss My Grits, and more!

New Coachella Ticket Add-Ons

Use of trans-dimensional portal to visit Earth-2’s famous music and arts festival, Craig T Nelsonella. ($850 up charge)

Turbo Tax for Twenty-Somethings

Claim any homeownership tax breaks you qualify for: Ha ha ha ha. Just kidding. Owning a home, can you imagine?! Realize you’re $300 short on rent. Sell your plasma.

8 Acts Weirder Than Hans Zimmer Playing Coachella

Think Hans Zimmer playing Lion King at Coachella this weekend…