
Uniquely Tasteless Halloween Costumes That’ll Get Your Ass Canceled in 2024
Elon Musk Distributing Free Keys to Recalled Tesla Cybertrucks: I’ve never understood why motorists loathe the Cybertruck. Between its angular shape, brutalist design, and various recalls (faulty accelerator pedal, faulty windshield wiper motors, and faulty trunk bed trim), it’s arguably the ideal vehicle for any given scenario. But if it’s so perfect, why does society continually reject it?

9 Spooky Halloween Costume Ideas During the Pandemic
Eager Zoomer with suit, tie and no pants, Mummified toilet paper hoarder, 6-foot space invader, and more!

7 Sexy COVID-19 Halloween Costumes
Sexy Cancelled Wedding: Did you cancel your wedding during COVID-19 or get invited to a cancelled wedding? Mmm, nothing sexier. In this micro-wedding dress, there are cancelled deposits stuck all over, as well as wedding vows from real almost couples who have now broken up cause it’s a pandemic and they realize they hate each other and the other person is a fricking weird chewer.

New Community Association Guidelines For This Year’s Halloween Festivities
Our smarter, more engineerically inclined neighbors are constructing hydraulic candy launchers and gravity-inspired candy chutes. That’s fine I guess. I’m not one to argue with a smart person.
We do however, discourage haphazardly throwing candy at trick-or-treaters. Candy corn can sting! The CDC method is probably best. We do however, encourage you to throw candy at Marliese and Trent.

CARTOON: Costume Questions
The Future is Female Fun. Today's cartoon by Ali Solomon.

CARTOON: Re-Introductions
Icy Greetings. Today's cartoon by Evan Lian.

Top Fantastical NFL Halloween Costumes
Unharmed NFL Spouse, Team Owner The Doesn't Harbor Secret Racist Feelings, Employed Protesting Quarterback and more.

Terrifying Halloween Costumes Based On Our New Normal
Fine Person
Comes with shaved-head skull cap…