
CARTOON: Wine Wisdom

Pour Decisions. Today's cartoon by Lindsey Budde.

What Your Therapist's Couch Says About Them

Armchair: A regular therapist. Chaise lounge: A regular therapist, who takes naps between clients. High chair: A therapist who specializes in child developmental therapy and clients of all ages who throw their food.

How to Live With an Aggressively Comfortable Couch

Approach the couch with caution. Do not allow the couch to make initial contact. Go about your business and refrain from reaching down to caress premium chenille or velvet fabrics. If the couch nudges or bumps you for contact, stand still and slowly turn off “The Great British Baking Show.”


In the doghouse? Today's cartoon by Drew Pankceri.

CARTOON: Ganging Up

Multiple Professional Personalities. Today's cartoon by Ellis Rosen.