
5 Summer Activities That Make Me Think You Might Be AI Generated

Now I know fun is subjective and there are many ways to indulge. I don’t judge! But, personally, there are some activities I believe to be so generic and dumb that only a computer could come up with it. (No offense to computers. My phone is a computer and I love my phone. But my phone also turns itself off after being left in the sun for 45 and a half seconds.) 


No more talking to the hand? Today's cartoon by Meg Richardson.


Got to hand it to them. Today's cartoon by Mike Shiell.

CARTOON: Fingered

Nasty hangnails. Today's cartoon by Derek Evernden.

CARTOON: Art Class

Frustrating times 8. Today's cartoon by Jack Loftus.

Unwanted Virtual Reality "Brand Experiences"

 The FedEx Immersive Apartment Feel like you’re actually…