
Free streaming. Today's cartoon by Shannon Wheeler.

Help! I’ve Started Crafting And I Can’t Stop
Help! I’ve put my shower curtain through a shredder and then glued it back together—like the blog instructions said—and now there is water everywhere.

CARTOON: Holy Hobby
And don't ask where the remote is. Today's cartoon by Ali Solomon.

CARTOON: Puzzle Love
Puzzling Love. Today's cartoon by Grayson Gibbs.

Rules of POLITICS the Board Game
Grab dice from other player’s hand, chuck across room and move pieces on board while America is looking the other way.

Who Do We Have to Kidnap to Convince You to Reactivate Your Pinterest Account?
Do the right thing and give a little back after we’ve given you so much. To start saving Pins again, click the reactivation link below and we’ll call off the windowless van that’s about to pull into your driveway.

CARTOON: Checkered
Some secrets are better left unchecked. Today's cartoon by Lars Kenseth.