
How Has The Pandemic Affected Those In The DC Universe?
Wonder Woman now using her lasso of truth to determine whether those around her have truly had their vaccinations.

CARTOON: Hallmark Heroes
Crush your enemy, by sending your best. Today's cartoon by The Surreal McCoy.

Despite the Fact That I Personally Orchestrated His Release From Arkham Asylum, It Is Not My Responsibility as Mayor of Gotham City to Protect Citizens From Mr. Freeze
Only the strong who have a $50,000 backup generator in their basement will survive. The weak (poor), who do not have a $50,000 backup generator that has been specially programmed to be resistant to the cryogenics of Mr. Freeze will ultimately perish. Don’t blame me, blame your elected officials. No, not me. Your other elected officials.

CARTOON: Joker Nomination
Some are conflicted about all this Joker praise. Today's cartoon by Evan Lian.

The Joker's Favorite Practical Jokes
Using a sheet of cling-wrap, place a transparent barrier between the seat and lid of your victim's commode. When they next attempt to use the facilities, they will be in for an unpleasant surprise, as will the Caped Crusader, who will be savagely devoured by a swarm of vicious crocodiles unleashed upon Wayne Enterprises by yours truly!

An Intervention For Batman
Bruce, I'm so sorry that its come to this, but we're going to have you committed to Arkham Asylum...