
I Regret Becoming a Millionaire in My 20s
I’m not asking for your sympathy, I’m just asking for a little empathy and some friends who will pay me back when I Venmo request them for the birthday dinner they didn’t treat me to, leaving me to coordinate transportation between mainland Chile and the South Pole igloo where we dined on foie gras while Yo-Yo Ma played the cello and cried.

CARTOON: Fire Sale
Everything must go! Please, please just go! Today's cartoon by Paul Lander and Dan McConnell.

Daniel Tiger Loses A Presidential Election
DANIEL: I refuse to concede! Prince Wednesday, I need you to hold a press conference to announce that all of the votes were illegal and I'm president. Book a venue, get me the Doubletree. PRINCE WEDNESDAY: You got it, DT.

CARTOON: Trump Tales
Fascist Fairy Tales. Today's cartoon by Ivan Ehlers.

The 5 Stages Of Grief, Election Loss Edition
Bargaining (With Rudy) In a nice twist on a classic, the two biggest rats are desperately clinging to one another as the ship quickly sinks. Do your final sneaky, slimy favors for one another for old times sake, and then please just disappear beneath the surface of the water forever.

TRUMPO Phonetic Alphabet
The administration's defense secretary said Trump may reduce…

President Trump White House Tour
A first-person account by one lucky reporter
It is a pretty…