
CARTOON: Scratch That

Resolution Revisions. Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

CARTOON: Good Luck Kid

Baby New Year might need a clean diaper. Today's cartoon by Jason Chatfield.

Obituaries for Your New Years Resolutions

Exercise More, thirty seconds old, passed away of exhaustion from a light run on an elliptical machine at an LA Fitness, when you felt so sore that you decided you never wanted to exercise again or at least until 2021, when this cycle will inevitably repeat.


'Quit the vape, get in shape', 'I resolve to evolve', 'Try to get more sleep and be less of a creep', and more #RhymeAResolution on this week's joke game!

This End-of-Decade List Kicks Ass!

My end-of-decade list has the decade’s most memorable moments and most influential people and listy type sports things.  But there’s a twist.  A twist in the list.  Does the whole end-of-decade list rhyme?  A rhyming list?  Would you be pissed?  Like William Rehnquist?


Our heads are still ringing in the new year, or just ringing...where's the Tylenol!? Lots of unregretful fun this week on our Weekly Humorist Hashtag game!